A template to build REST APIs.
This project uses the following tools:
ESLint: a linter to analyze the code statically and identify potential errors or enforce coding conventions.
Prettier: code formatter that helps with the code formatting (after writing) in an opinionated and standardized way.
This is where i'm going to place my ideas and things that i want to do or use in this project:
- Editor config
- Prettier precommit hook
- Shields at the README (tests and build)
- Path aliases
- Clean architecture
- Value Objects where needed
- Factories at the entities (interface to receive non VO values)
- Good and scalable error handling
- Try to handle common exceptions with a global-scoped exception filter and module errors (errors and business-errors) with controller-scoped exception filters. Both responsible for the i18n
- i18n (fully handled by the presentation layer)
- Type safety
- DTO translations
- Serverless adapter example
- Implement refresh token
- Add user reset password module
- Add a mail service provider
- Add templates to create new resources modules
- Ignore repositories and DTOs when running a test coverage
- Add some module to interact with user (such as course or quizzes)
- Auth module with passport
- Validate request user permissions when calling a method (for example, an admin user cannot enroll at a course)
- Add base user roles such as Admin, Student and Instructor
- Environment service
- Add JWT Secret
- Translate Auth error messages
- Translate role guard error messages