The Gitblit Jabber plugin provides integration with Jabber/XMPP servers.
The plugin sends chat message into a room for branch or tag changes changes.
Build the plugin with ant and copy the zip file to your Gitblit plugins directory.
At a bare minimum you'll need two settings configured in
jabber.domain =
jabber.username = gitblit
jabber.password = gitblitXXX
jabber.defaultRoom = room@server.tld
There a handful of additional optional settings:
jabber.nickname = Gitblit
jabber.acceptAllCerts = true
jabber.postPersonalRepos = false
jabber.postBranches = true
jabber.postTags = true
jabber.useProjectRooms = false
jabber.projectRoom.<my repositoryname> = room@server.tld
jabber.useProjectRooms allows you to have the plugin send messages to different rooms based on repository name.
The receive hook is automatic.
This plugin also provides a generic mechanism to inject test messages into a chat room. These commands require administrator permissions.
ssh host jabber test
ant && cp build/target/jabber*.zip /path/to/gitblit/plugins
/path/to/dev/gitblit/ant installMoxie
/path/to/dev/jabber/ant && cp build/target/jabber*.zip /path/to/gitblit/plugins