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Files and instructions needed to interact with ARTIS Σ1


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How to ...

Run a node


git clone
cd sigma1

./openethereum -c node.toml

Run a trustnode

Create a user
This step is optional.
For the smoothest setup journey (least changes necessary), create a user named "artis".
Execute as root:

adduser --disabled-password artis
su artis

Now you are in directory /home/artis as user artis.
In case you prefer to have an account which allows login with password, omit --disabled-password and make sure you're using a strong password!


git clone
cd sigma1

Create an account

./openethereum -c node.toml account new

This will ask you for a password. Hint: use pwgen
After entering the password twice, there will be a new file (a JSON formatted keystore file) in data/keys/sigma1.artis/. You should make a backup of that file!

Now, create a file password.txt and paste the password into it.

(If you prefer another method for creating the mining key, feel free to do so.)

Adapt the config

  • Copy trustnode.toml.example to trustnode.toml.
  • Open trustnode.toml with your favourite editor and set the missing values for identity, unlock and engine_signer (see inline comments and examples)

Initial run
./openethereum -c trustnode.toml
On first run, OpenEthereum creates a node key which is stored in data/network/key. This key, the IP address and P2P port are combined to an enode (more details here) which uniquely identifies your node. Your node's enode is printed to the console after a few seconds.
Example: enode://1e795a8ecedf7e2509a3ecc86ef5fa08a35828abeb5edf02a8dd8139250bd5ec286d34e367461b64e01bced15fed4ca273e03b4cd1326c353bb99b47fb3a3b39@ Make sure the contained IP address is Internet routable (if your host system has multiple network interfaces / IPs, OpenEthereum may not choose the correct one) and that the selected port (default: 30303) is accessible from the outside (not blocked by a firewall).
Please copy the enode and communicate it in the trustnode operator chat channel.

If OpenEthereum started syncing the chain, you can stop it with Ctrl-C and proceed with the next step.

Warning: When starting a trustnode which isn't yet allowed to create blocks, you may see entries like this in the openethereum log:

Dec 11 12:32:05 your.hostname parity[7400]: 2018-12-11 12:32:05 UTC Closing the block failed with error Error(Engine(FailedSystemCall("Cannot decode address[]")), State { next_error: None, backtrace: InternalBacktrace { backtrace: None } }). This is likely an error in chain specificiations or on-chain consensus smart contracts.

Don't worry, this is without consequences and usually goes away once your trustnode starts producing blocks (which is the case once your mining key was added to the validator set).

Keep running
A trustnode is supposed to be always on, thus running it in an interactive shell isn't the best option.
This repository includes a systemd template config you can use to make openethereum a system service.
The following steps require root privileges (sudo):

  • Copy artis-sigma1-openethereum.service.example to /etc/systemd/system/artis-sigma1-openethereum.service (if that directory doesn't exist, you're likely not using systemd and can't use this method).
  • Open the copied file and set User, Group, WorkingDirectory and ExecStart to values matching your setup
  • Start the service: systemctl start artis-sigma1-openethereum
  • Enable start-on-boot: systemctl enable artis-sigma1-openethereum

Finally, make sure the service is running: systemctl status artis-sigma1-openethereum.
In order to see a live log, do journalctl -f -u artis-sigma1-openethereum (Ctrl-C will get you back).

Get listed in status dashboard

There's a nice network status dashboard at
It only lists nodes which want to be listed.
In order to be on the list, a dedicated status reporting application needs to run alongside parity.

If you run a public node which is always on (be it a trustnode or not), please get it listed.
In case you decide to get listed, please ask for the secret key needed to connect to the service (since the dashboard service shows whatever data it gets from connected nodes, this kind of permissioning helps to protect it against anonymous trolls feeding it with manipulated data).

Check which version of nodejs you have installed (if any): node --version
Anything newer than v6 should do.

If you don't have it installed, your options depend on the operating system.

Ubuntu 18.04:
apt install nodejs npm

Ubuntu 16.04:

curl -sL -o
apt install nodejs

(Of course you can take a look into before executing it with root permissions.)

Next, get the application.

git clone
cd node-status-reporter
npm install

Test run
Now you could run it with
NODE_ENV=production INSTANCE_NAME=<your instance name here> WS_SERVER= WS_SECRET=<SECRET-KEY> npm start

Keep running

If you installed a service for openethereum, you should do the same for this application. With root privileges, do:

  • Copy artis-sigma1-statusreporter.service.example to /etc/systemd/system/artis-sigma1-statusreporter.service.
  • Open the copied file and adapt it to your needs. Important: set values for INSTANCE_NAME and CONTACT_DETAILS and then uncomment both. Please use <nick> as value for INSTANCE_NAME - replace <nick> with a nickname of your choice (using ASCII characters and digits only). Example:
  • Start the service: systemctl start artis-sigma1-statusreporter
  • Flag service to be started on boot: systemctl enable artis-sigma1-statusreporter

You can check the status of the service with systemctl status artis-sigma1-statusreporter.

Run a bridge validator

Create a user
This step is optional.
For the smoothest setup journey (least changes necessary), create a user named "bridge".
Execute as root:

adduser --disabled-password bridge
su bridge

Create a private key
Next, you need a private key for the bridge validator account.
You may use any tool you want (e.g. dices). One option is to get (build or download) Parity's ethkey binary (Linux binary) and run ./ethkey generate random - this will print a random public key and its address.
Next, send at least 10 ATS to this address - needed for creating the signing transactions.
Finally, communicate this address to the bridge admin in order to get your validator whitelisted in the bridge contracts.


git clone
cd artis-bridge-oracle

Now, create a file .env, copy the contents of bridge-oracle-config.env.example into it and add the private key as value for VALIDATOR_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY.

Then, as root execute ./ bridge (bridge being the system user running the bridge processes. Change accordingly if needed!).
This will install and start required dependencies (RabbitMQ, Redis, Node.js) and set up systemd unit files for the bridge.
The first (and only) argument denotes the bridge user. Change accordingly if it's not bridge.
Note that this script was made for and tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. If using another OS, you need to do the setup manually - you can consult the shell script for the needed steps.

Start / Watch / Stop
Run ./ in order to start all bridge related systemd services.
With ./ you can check the status of the bridge.
With ./ you can watch the log of the bridge services in realtime.
With ./ you can stop the bridge related systemd services.

Note that the start and stop script support an optional argument --persist which enables/disables the services (for setting or removing the autostart flag for the service).

use with Metamask

Metamask is a browser extension which implements an Ethereum wallet. It can be used with any Ethereum compatible network.
Once you have Metamask installed:

Note that Metamask is still beta software and sometimes behaves in weird ways.
For use with ARTIS Sigma1, we recommend to set up a fresh instance of Metamask which is used for this chain only.


Σ1 is an ARTIS mainnet.
It makes use of several open source contributions of the fantastic Ethereum community, most importantly those of and OpenEthereum (former Parity).

Instructions for building OpenEthereum from source can be found here.
Newer versions of OpenEthereum are expected to be compatible (able to sync with this chain). Older versions may be incompatible.