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3.0 Develope Extensions for Medmon

muuki88 edited this page Sep 11, 2012 · 1 revision

This page gets you started developing with MedMon.

Configure Eclipse

It's recommended to download a fresh Eclipse 3.7.2 installation as some plugins may conflict with your existing Eclipse installation. Choose the Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers as most of the plugins need are already installed in this product.

Start your new Eclipse and add

to your update sits and install the Scala IDE.

Checkout out repositories

Open the Git repositories view (windows->show view->others->git) and press the git clone button. Checkout out both repositories with the master branch. Note: EGit doesn't use your workspace_location to save the cloned repository. You can changes this in the git-clone-wizard.

Next import the projects by right-clicking on the repository in the git repositories view and choose import projects. Don't import the jfreechart lib project.

There will be a lot of compile errors as the target platform isn't set. Open in the plugin and press set as targetplatform in the top-right of the editor. Make a clean -> build all

Two errors remain in the de.sendsor.3dacceleration plugin. Open Dropbox/actinulin/3_DataProcessing/1_DataMining/src and go down the filetree until you reach and AugmentedFVFactory. Copy both files in the exact package structure into the_de.sendsor.3dacceleration_ plugin. Clean -> build this particular plugin. If you don't have access to these files then download a dummy-version here

Run Medmon

Open de.lmu.ifi.dbs.medmon.medic.rcp.medmon.medic.product and press Launch as Eclipse Application