A tool which manages docker containers in a simple way.
The host shall be run on a Linux dist. Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 (LTS) has been used for development.
Pull the project from GitHub
Get the latest release of Docker CE
sudo sh ./scripts/get-docker.sh
Pull some popular images
sudo sh ./scripts/pull.sh
Build the image from the Dockerfile
sudo docker build -t kleon919/manage-containers .
Run the image
sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -d kleon919/manage-containers
Request the API at:
http://localhost:9000- Fetch/View all, running or idle containers.
- Get all 'available' images.
- Create one or multiple containers based on given input.
- Start a specific idle container.
- Start all idle containers concurrently.
- Stop a specific running container.
- Stop all running containers concurrently.
- Remove all idle containers.
- Retrieve logs from a specific container.
- Retrieve statistics from a specific container.
API documentation:
- Drop the api-doc.yml file to the https://editor.swagger.io/ in order to view the API.