Neo4j server-extension that allows to configure fixed REST-Endpoints for Cypher queries.
You can PUT
cypher queries to an endpoint with a certain url-suffix and then later execute those queries by running
with query parameters, only readonly queriesPOST
with JSON (map, list of maps) payload for parametersPOST
with CSV payload for parameters, with optional batch-size and delimiter
Verb: PUT
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>
Content-type: plain/text
PUT /cypher-rs/users
Content-type: plain/text
Body: match (n:User) where{name} return n
--> 201 Location: /cypher-rs/users
PUT /cypher-rs/create-user
Content-type: plain/text
Body: create (n:Node {name:{name},age:{age},male:{male}})
--> 201 Location: /cypher-rs/create-user
Verb: GET
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>
GET /cypher-rs/users?name=Andres
--> 200 {"name":"Andres","age":21,"male":true,"children":["Cypher","L.","N."]}
GET /cypher-rs/users?name=NotExists
--> 204
Verb: POST
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>
Content-type: application/json
POST /cypher-rs/users
Content-type: application/json
Body: {"name":"Andres"}
--> 200 {"name":"Andres","age":21,"male":true,"children":["Cypher","L.","N."]}
POST /cypher-rs/users
Content-type: application/json
Body: {"name":"NotExists"}
--> 204
POST /cypher-rs/users
Content-type: application/json
Body: [{"name":"Andres"},{"name":"Peter"},{"name":"NotExists"]
--> 200 [{"name":"Andres","age":21,"male":true,"children":["Cypher","L.","N."]},
Verb: POST
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>
Content-type: text/plain
POST /cypher-rs/create-user
Content-type: text/plain
Body: name,age,male\nAndres,21,true
--> 200 {"nodes_created":1,"labels_added":1,"properties_set":3,"rows":1}
POST /cypher-rs/create-user?delim=\t&batch=20000
Content-type: text/plain
Body: name\tage\tmale\nAndres\t21\ttrue
--> 200 {"nodes_created":1,"labels_added":1,"properties_set":3,"rows":1}
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>
DELETE /cypher-rs/users
--> 200
Verb: GET
URL: /cypher-rs
GET /cypher-rs
--> 200 ["users","create-user"]
GET /cypher-rs?full=true
--> 200 {"users": "start n=node:node_auto_index(name={name}) return n",
"create-user": "create (n {name:{name},age:{age},male:{male}})"}
Verb: GET
URL: /cypher-rs/<yourEndpoint>/query
GET /cypher-rs/users/query
--> 200 start n=node:node_auto_index(name={name}) return n
GET /cypher-rs/create-users/query
--> 200 create (n {name:{name},age:{age},male:{male}})
single column, single row
single column, multiple rows
multiple columns, single row (column names are keys)
{"user": "Andres", "friends": ["Peter","Michael"]}
multiple columns, multiple rows (column names are keys)
{"user": "Andres", "friends": ["Peter","Michael"]},
{"user": "Michael", "friends": ["Peter","Andres"]},
{"user": "Peter", "friends": ["Andres","Michael"]}
Build with mvn clean install dependency:copy-dependencies
Copy files cp target/cypher-rs-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar target/dependency/opencsv-2.3.jar path/to/server/plugins
Add this line to path/to/server/conf/
There is some magic happening with converting query parameters to cypher parameters, as query-parameters are all strings things that look like a number are converted to numbers and collections (aka multiple query parameters) are converted into lists.
- all endpoints should be able to generate CSV when supplied with the accept header
- replace Jackson with faster Gson?
- performance tests