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netClustering allows you to detect clusters in networks using the Clauset, Newman and Moore community detection algorithm directly from the browser, as simple as:

netClustering.cluster(nodes, edges);

and the clusters will be stored in the .cluster attribute of the nodes.

The code is based on an implementation created by Robin W. Spencer for his site, I wrapped it up on a container so it could be reused as a library


npm install netclustering


On node

import netClustering from "netclustering";

var nodes = [{name:"a"},{name:"b"}, {name:"c"}];
var links = [{source:0, target:1, count:1}];
var groups = netClustering.cluster(nodes, links );

For the web

<script src=""></script>
var nodes = ["a", "b", "c"];
var links = [{source:0, target:1, count:1}];
var groups = netClustering.cluster(nodes, links );