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O'Reilly's Perl Programming Certification Classes
(Intro, Intermediate, Advanced, Applied)
  Final Project: ATM application
	CGI, HTML:Template, Class:DBI, mysql

O'Reilly's Migrated To Mojolicious
  Mojolicious, TemplateToolkit, DBIx::Class, mysql, Test::Class::Moose

  Parse an Apache log file, find out country of request using a GeoIP2 database
  List top N Most Active Countries and show the most requested path.
  If the request is from the USA, gather state information and List top N Most 
  Active States and show its most requested path.
  Please read project's README for more information.

An Object Oriented project: PseudoTwitter
   a) Using Moo
   b) Using Moose

Geekuni's Web Development Certification
   A Art Gallery Store application

  Nov 10, 2015 MadMongers Mtg. 
  Includes presentation (OpenOffice/LibreOffice)

   Took Curtis "Ovid" Poe's Test:Class project in Chapter 14 of 
   "Beginning Perl" and merged it with his Test:Class articles at

  Nov 10, 2015 MadMongers Mtg.
  Includes presentation (OpenOffice/LibreOffice)

   Migrated the previous Test::Class project to Test::Class::Moose
   Note: In 2016 Test::Class:Moose is still Beta software.

  Apr 12, 2016 MadMongers Mtg.
  Presentation (OpenOffice/LibreOffice)

   Proof of concept:
   Try to create a way to filter named test(s) to executed
   using perl's subroutine attributes with arguments.

   Put a XML message on a message queue.
   Read XML messages off a message queue and verify against
   the XML record's schmea (xsd).

DoubleLinkedList test pgms
 Used dummy header and tail nodes to make the logic easier.
     Derefernces use the binary infix operator (arrow operator)
     Derefernces do NOT use the binary infix operator (arrow operator)

TODO: Migrate: Rewrote Geekuni's project using Mojolicious::Lite
               Rewrote Geekuni's project using Mojolicious