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TeXtured Template TeXtured Template

🚀 Elevator Pitch

Do you care in the slightest about what your readers think about your document, and by proxy about you and your competence level? If yes, then a classy, typographically professional layout and structured, clear, and revealing content can only help. This template tries to aid you in both of these endeavors.

Here’s what the TeXtured Template offers:

  • typographically elegant layout with various features to make your document stand out
  • 🧙 clean code structure with plenty of comments to help you easily customize the template to your needs
  • 🔗 seamless GitHub integration (via GitHub Actions) to streamline version control and collaboration
  • 📄 PDF/A compliance and front matter supporting theses at MFF 🎓

To learn more about the design principles behind TeXtured and its capabilities, look at the TeXtured Demo 📖. It showcases the features of TeXtured template and provides a guide on how to use them.


Please note that the documentation is still a work-in-progress 🚧, with more guides and explanations to come.


If you find something interesting or useful, but adopting the whole template is simply too much, feel free to just copy and use relevant parts of the code. (🚧 TODO: link relevant files for corresponding features in DEMO file)

🏗️ Building

Be sure to have all the dependencies installed (at least the LaTeX build tools), and run

latexmk thesis

in the root directory of the repository to build the thesis.


If you prefer to use 🍃Overleaf, you can find the TeXtured template there as well.

📦 Software Dependencies

LaTeX build tools:

  • latexmk - LaTeX build tool
  • pdflatex/lualatex - LaTeX engine (you can choose one in .latexmkrc)
  • biber - bibliography processing tool for biblatex


At this point it is unclear what is the minimal required LaTeX installation. Full TeX Live distribution is surely enough, since it is used in GitHub Actions to automatically build the latest version of the TeXtured Demo 📖.


Some scripts assume linux environment. These include:

  • generation of directory structure for aux_dir (dependencies are sed, xargs)
  • vector figure generation (together with watermark)
    • need to enable --shell-escape in .latexmkrc
    • inkscape - vector graphics (and SVG to PDF conversion)
    • perl - disabling /Interpolation in PDFs generated by inkscape
    • sed - substituting placeholders in PDF watermark
    • ghostscript - injecting postscript watermark into PDF

Version control (optional):

  • git - (obviously) the preferred version control system
  • git-lfs - Git Large File Storage - for storing PDFs, figures, etc.

📜 License


  • The MFF CUNI logo MFF-logo.pdf is property of the corresponding faculty, see MFF Visual Identity.
  • Figure parallel-plate-capacitor.svg (with corresponding files) is property of Jonáš Dujava.

License: CC0-1.0 All other files are marked with CC0 1.0.

Even though you are free to use the source code of TeXtured any way you like, attribution/acknowledgement is welcome.