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Squill manages Postgresql database migrations.

There's no shortage of tools for running migrations, but this one embodies my particular opinions:

  1. Migrations should be written in database-specific SQL.
  2. Migrations are not generally idempotent or reversible in production, but reversals (down migrations) are very useful during development.
  3. Migration dependencies form a tree structure, not a linear sequence.

What's a squill?

It's the common name for a subfamily of plants that are actually pretty cool looking.

But more importantly, it's a word that has the letters "s", "q", and "l" in that order, is easy to type and pronounce, and not already someone else's crate name 😉


To install Squill as a command, use cargo install:

cargo install squill-cli

or download a pre-built package from the GitHub Releases.

To use Squill as a library, use cargo add:

cargo add squill


Run squill --help to get usage information from each subcommand.

First-time setup

Write the configuration file (squill.toml) or set the equivalent environment variables. The environment variables take precedence over the file.

The environment variables are uppercase versions of the ones in the file with SQUILL_ prefixes. For example, database_url is SQUILL_DATABASE_URL.

# The connection string for the database to run migrations on.
# You might prefer to set this using an environment variable.
# Default: "" (default PostgreSQL server)
database_url = ""

# The directory used to store migration files.
# Default: "migrations"
migrations_dir = "migrations"

# The template to use for new migration files.
# Default: (unset) (use the embedded default migration templates)
templates_dir = ".squill/templates"

# Whether only up migrations should be allowed. This can be used to avoid
# accidental data loss in shared environments.
# Default: false (allow down migrations)
only_up = true

Then, generate the first migration that sets up Squill's requirements:

squill init

That should have written 0-init/{up,down}.sql to your migrations directory. Read through those files and make any changes you want.

Finally, run the up migration:

squill migrate

Writing a new migration

Create a new empty migration file:

squill new --name 'create_users_table'

(You can override the automatic ID generation with --id 123).

Write your migration in the file. Then run it:

squill migrate

Undoing a migration

For a migration that has already been run in production (or some other shared environment), the best option is to write a new migration to undo the old one.

In a development environment, undo the most recently run migration (by application order, not by ID):

squill undo

Edit the up migration, and then use squill migrate as normal to run it.

To make this easier, squill redo will run down.sql and then up.sql for the most recently run migration.

Renumbering migrations

You may have a mix of migrations with different ID lengths, which can make it the directory listing appear out of order. Use the align-ids subcommand to zero-pad shorter IDs:

squill align-ids

That command is just a preview by default. Add --execute to actually execute all of the proposed renames.

Custom migration templates

You can customize the files generated by squill new by setting the templates_dir path. Squill will use the new.up.sql and new.down.sql files in that directory.

├── new.down.sql
└── new.up.sql

These are interpreted as Tera templates for generating the respective up and down migration files.

The Tera context will be something like this:

id: &i64
name: &str

Named templates

You can keep a named migration template by making a subdirectory within templates_dir and adding new.up.sql and new.down.sql inside it.

To use a named template, add the --template argument to the squill new command. The default (unnamed) template inside templates_dir will be used otherwise.

For example, if you want to ensure that create table migrations follow specific conventions, your templates_dir could look like this:

├── create_table
│   ├── new.down.sql
│   └── new.up.sql
├── new.down.sql
└── new.up.sql

And this is the command to generate a new migration that uses it:

squill new --template 'create_table' --name 'create_users_table'


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Join me!

I welcome contributions from anyone who finds a way to make this better.

In particular, I appreciate these things:

  • Pull requests with clear motivation (tests are nice too!)
  • Bug reports with reproducible setup instructions
  • Ideas about things that work but can be improved
  • Comments in issues and PRs to help me write better words and code


This is is hobby project, so I'll only work on it as much as I find it fun to do so. That said, I find software maintenance techniques interesting, so feel free to start a conversation about a stable v1 if you start relying on this for something important.