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Releases: ipeaGIT/flightsbr


22 Oct 16:31
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flightsbr v1.0.0

  • Breaking changes:

    • The names of all columns in the data outputs are now cleanned with {janitor}
    • Function read_airports() now downloads v2 version of public airports data. Closes #41
  • Major changes:

    • Function read_airfares() is working again. Closes #30. The prices of air tickets are now returned as numeric.
    • Function read_flights() with fixed decimal values in numeric columns. Closes #43
    • Function read_airports() with fixed numeric values for "altitude" column. Closes #42
  • Minor changes:

    • Internally check of the consistency of date inputs. The date input must be consistent in either a 6-digit format yyyymm OR a 4-digit format yyyy.
    • New support function latest_airfares_date()
    • Fix error that stopped reading aircraft data read_aircrafts() for multiple months when the number of collums differed across months. Fixed using data.table::rbindlist(fill = TRUE)


18 Sep 13:59
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flightsbr v0.5.0

  • Major changes:

    • Fixed ANAC's broken link of public airports
    • Functions read_flights(), read_airport_movements(), and read_aircrafts() now accept vectors of dates like c(202201, 202301) or c(2022, 2024)
    • Functions read_airports() and read_aircrafts() now has a cache parameter.
    • The package is now significantly faster because it is using curl::multi_download() to download files in parallel. This brings the advantage that the package now automatically detects whether the data file has been updated and should be downloaded again.
  • Minor changes:

    • Removed dependency on the {httr} package
    • Streamlined functions to simplify package maintenance and improve performance
    • Using {fs} to manage file paths and {archive} to unzip files
    • Reorganization of internal functions to simplify package maintenance


24 Apr 19:49
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  • Minor changes:
    • The read_flights() function now uses fread(encoding = 'Latin-1') internally to avoid issues with encoding. Closed #35.
    • The function get_airport_movement_dates_available() does not throw warnings of NA values anymore.
    • The read_aircrafts() function now used fread(skip = 1) internally to read column names correctly.


05 Dec 12:56
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flightsbr v0.4.0

  • Major changes:

    • The functions read_flights() and read_airport_movements() now have a new parameter cache, which indicates whether the function should read cached data downloaded previously. Defaults to TRUE. Closed #31.
    • The function read_aircrafts() now has a date parameter, which allows one to download the data on aircrafts registered at ANAC at particular years/months. Closed #33.
  • Minor changes:

    • All functions now return numeric columns with numeric class. Closed #32.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed bug when unzipping files for read_flights() function in Unix systems.
      Closed #31.
    • Updated link to private airports data changed by ANAC. Closed #34.

flightsbr v0.3.0

29 Jun 23:35
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  • Major changes:

    • Function read_airfares() is temporarily unavailable. See issue #30
  • Minor changes:

    • Function read_flights() now accepts a vector of dates. Closed #29.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed broken link for data dictionary for airport movement data
    • Fixed code to rbindlist air fares from multiple years. Closed #26.
    • Fixed code to read a few dates that were not caught in get_airfares_dates_available() because of ".CSV" in ANAC url. Closed #27.
    • Fixed code to use get_airport_movement_dates_available()


05 May 21:24
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flightsbr v0.2.0

  • Major changes:

    • Update urls to new location where flights data is stored. This makes read_flights() work again.
    • New function read_airfares() to read data on air fares of domestic and international flights Closed #22.
  • Minor changes:

    • The data downloaded in read_flights() and read_airport_movements() are now cached in temp dir. Closed #20.
    • All columns are now returned with class character. This fixes a bug in the read_airport_movements() function. Closed #20.

flightsbr v0.1.2

18 Mar 13:25
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  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed bug that stopped flightsbr from downloading 2022 data.


06 Mar 12:39
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flightsbr v0.1.1

  • Bug fixes:
    • functions read_flights() and read_airport_movements() no longer have side effects on objects named month and year on the global environment. The split_date() support function was removed from the package. Closes #17.
    • read_ functions now try to download for a 2nd time if the 1st attempt failed. This will help overcome a small issue with the instability of ANAC data links. Closes #18.
    • Using a simpler / slightly faster version of latlon_to_numeric() with suppressed warnings.
    • Update package citation, adding OSF preprint DOI.


08 Feb 16:32
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flightsbr v0.1.0

  • Major changes:

    • New function read_aircrafts() to read data on all aircrafts registered in the Brazilian Aeronautical Registry (Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro - RAB) Closes #14.
    • New function read_airports() to read data on all public and private airports. Closes #4 and Closes #9.
    • New function latest_flights_date() to check the date of the latest flight data available. Closes #16.
    • New function read_airport_movements() to download data on airport movements. Closes #15.
    • Function read_flights() now takes date input in the format yyyymm or yyyy. When the date input is a 4-digit number, the function now downloads data of all months in that year. Closes #1.
    • Function read_flights() now automatically detects and checks the latest flights data available. Closes #13.
    • new internal support functions:
      • split_date(): Split a date from yyyymmm to year yyyy and month mm
      • check_date(): Check whether date input is acceptable
      • generate_all_months(): Generate all months with yyyymm format in a year
      • latlon_to_numeric(): Convert spatial coordinates of airports to lat lon
      • get_flights_url(): Put together the url of flight data files
      • get_flight_dates_available(): Retrieve from ANAC website all dates available for flights data
      • download_flights_data(): Download and read ANAC flight data
      • get_airport_movements_url(): Put together the url of airport movement data files
      • get_airport_movement_dates_available(): Retrieve all dates available for airport movements data
      • download_airport_movement_data(): Download and read ANAC airport movement data
    • Three separate vignettes. A general intro to the package, and more detailed vignettes on read_flights and read_airports().
  • Minor changes:

    • new parameter select in read_flights(), allowing the user to specify the columns that should be read.
    • new tests of read_flights(). Coverage of 95.24%. Closes #5.
    • New checks on date input. Closes #2.
    • Functions now should fail gracefully in case of problems with internet connection. Closes #7.


21 Jan 10:11
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