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Wrapper for the Grafana Agent to automatically configure exporters and ship to FusionReactor


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The Observability Agent autoconfiguration and installer tool is a wrapper for Grafana Alloy that can install Alloy, detect which services are running on your machine, and automatically create a configuration file with integrations for detected services. A Node/Windows exporter integration will be added by default.


For Unix machines, the script will have to be run with root privileges, otherwise you will be prompted for your password during execution. Windows machines must have Powershell 5.1 or later installed. macOS is not currently supported.

The script will automatically detect what's running on your machine and add integrations to the config file. For this, each service you want to have an integration for must be running on its default port, these are:

Integration Default Port
MySQL 3306
MSSQL 1433
Postgres 5432
RabbitMQ 5672
RabbitMQ Exporter 15692
Redis 6379
Kafka 9092
Elasticsearch 9200
Mongo 27017
OracleDB 1521


Both the Static Mode installer and Flow Mode installer have been deprecated and superseded by Grafana Alloy installer

Latest Release


To download and run the installer, in a terminal, run:

curl -O -L ""
chmod a+x ""
sudo /bin/bash


To download and run the installer, open powershell admin terminal, navigate to your desired download folder and run:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "observability-agent-autoconf.ps1"

The installer for windows assumes you are installing Grafana Alloy in the default location on the C drive
This is required for the config file to be placed in the correct location for the Grafana Alloy to read it


Grafana Alloy installation is enabled by default. To run without installing Alloy, add --install false to the end of the run command. For example:
sudo path/to/ --install false

To modify a pre-existing config file, add --config.file, followed by the path to the file, to the end of the run command. For example: sudo path/to/ --config.file path/to/configfile
A backup of your original file will be created

To disable prompts that wait for user input, add --prompt false as command arguments.

You can use both --install and --config.file options in the same run command, order is irrelevant. For example:
sudo path/to/ --install false --config.file path/to/config
sudo path/to/ --config.file path/to/config --install false

For Windows, you can add --disable-dl-progress-bar true to potentially speed up downloads.


When running in Docker, you will not be prompted for any information. Therefore, you must specify an api key before running. Additionally, you must set the relevant environment variables for whichever services you have running, so they can be configured. These environment variables can be found in the Environment Variables section.

To run in docker, we provide prebuilt images. See our Docker Hub repository for more information

Environment Variables

To add integrations without being prompted for credentials, there are several environment variables you can use:


Variable Type Description
api_key string API Key to authenticate with your FusionReactor Cloud Account
metrics_Endpoint string Default:
logs_Endpoint string Default:

Metric Exporters

Variable Type Description
mysql_user string User for the local Mysql database
mysql_password string Password for the local Mysql database
mysql_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Mysql exporter (enabled by default)
mssql_user string User for the local Mssql database
mssql_password string Password for the local Mssql database
mssql_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Mssql exporter (enabled by default)
postgres_user string User for the local Postgres database
postgres_password string Password for the local Postgres database
postgres_db string Database name for the local Postgres database (defaults to username)
postgres_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Postgres exporter (enabled by default)
rabbitmq_disabled bool Enables/Disables the RabbitMQ exporter (enabled by default)
rabbitmq_instance_label string Optional variable to set the RabbitMQ instance identifier
redis_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Redis exporter (enabled by default)
elasticsearch_user string User for the Elastic search instance
elasticsearch_password string Password for the Elastic search instance
elasticsearch_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Elastic search exporter (enabled by default)
mongodb_user string User for the local Mongo database
mongodb_password string Password for the local Mongo database
mongodb_disabled bool Enables/Disables the MongoDB exporter (enabled by default)
oracledb_user string User for the local Oracle database
oracledb_password string Password for the local Oracle database
oracledb_disabled bool Enables/Disables the OracleDB exporter (enabled by default)

Exporting metrics from external machines

To replace these with a custom connection string, there are several environment variables you can use:

Variable Type Example (Defaults)
mysql_connection_string string <username>:<password>@(<host>:3306)/
mssql_connection_string string sqlserver://<username>:<password>@<host>:1433
postgres_connection_string string postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:5432/shop?
rabbitmq_scrape_target string <host>:15692
redis_connection_string string <host>:6379
kafka_connection_string string ["<host>:9092"]
elasticsearch_connection_string string http://<username>:<password>@<host>:9200
mongodb_connection_string string mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:27017/
oracledb_connection_string string oracle://<username>:<password>@<host>:1521/ORCLCDB

RabbitMQ requires an internal exporter to be enabled. Visit the documentation for more information.

Log Exporters

If you wish to enable log collection, the following environment variables must be set:

Variable Type Example Description
log_collection bool true Enables log collection
service_name string service Set a name for you log collection service
log_path string /service/logs Set a file path for your log collection service

Open Telemetry

If you wish to enable Open Telemetry metrics and traces, the following environment variables must be set:

Variable Type Example Description
otel_collection bool true Enables Open Telemetry metrics and traces

Scraping from additional exporters

At present, there are some integrations we don't support out the box. Use of these integrations is via a scrape endpoint. To scrape these exporters, you can use the following environment variables to set a list of exporters and their corresponding endpoints to be scraped. The list must be wrapped in double quotes and each value must be separated by a comma and a space.

Variable Type Example Description
scrape_targets string "nginxexporter:9113, iisexporter:1234" List of endpoints for the exporters

.Env Files

If you wish to use an environment file to set environment variables, rather than setting them as system environment variables, you can do so by naming the file ".env" and placing it in the same directory as the "observability-agent-autoconf" script.

Example ".env" file:
