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vayacondios notes from similar tools

Philip (flip) Kromer edited this page May 9, 2012 · 1 revision

vayacondios -- notes from similar tools

Other Data Buckets



  • DEL path, rev

  • GET path, rev => value, rev

  • SET path, rev, value => rev

  • WAIT path, rev => path, rev, value, flags

  • WALK path, rev, offset => path, rev, value

  • REV => rev

  • watch(rev, path, &blk)

  • getdir(rev, path, off=0, lim=MaxInt64, ents=[], &blk)

  • walk(rev, path, off=0, lim=MaxInt64, ents=[], &blk)

  • globbing on path sequences. doozerd allows ?, * and **.


"Noah": has a few basic design goals:

The system MUST support RESTful interaction for operations where REST maps properly The system MUST support basic concepts of hosts, services, applications and configurations The system MUST support horizontal scaling.


The system SHOULD be flexible in deployment options. The system SHOULD support watches similar to ZooKeeper The system SHOULD support pluggable callbacks for watches. The system SHOULD support being a client of itself.

four distinct states: up, down, pending_up, pending_down




Indexed (searchable)

  • Required columns - These three columns are required for all new records. Its used to create the record key.
    • "host" - Should be set to whatever hostname thinks it is
    • "port" - Should be set to the port of whatever app/service the info is about
    • "appname" - Should be set to the name of the app or service the info is about
  • Optional columns
    • "ip" - This is set by cfmap to the IP of the client at time of connection. For security reasons, this value can never be set using APIs.
    • "status" - The current status of this resource.
    • "checked" - The time when last status was updated.
    • "deployed_date" - The time when the resource was deployed.
    • "type" - By default its set to "apps". But you can change it to anything. We recommend the following app - for services/applications host - for servers/hardware disk - for any kind of storage divice process - for any kind of process

Non-indexed (not searchable)

  • "stats_*" - These columns must have numeric values and is generally used for graphing system state. Reverse indexes for these columns are not created.
  • "info_*" - These columns have informational values which are not something one would search by. Reverse indexes for these columns are not created. Stack traces, for example, could be embedded inside these columns
  • example
    • /cfmap/browse/create.jsp?host=myserver&port=0&appname=apache&status=running - Simple REST API to set status of "apache" app to "running"

      sub prepareMpstat()      {$mpstat=&getExec("PATH=\$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin; export PATH; mpstat | grep all | tail -1 | sed -e\'s/  / /g\' | sed -e\'s/  / /g\'| sed -e\'s/  / /g\'");}
      sub getCpuUser()         {if (length($mpstat)>10){@mpstat=split(/ /,$mpstat);return $mpstat[3];}}
      sub getCpuIdle()         {if (length($mpstat)>10){@mpstat=split(/ /,$mpstat);return $mpstat[10];}}
      sub getCpuSys()          {if (length($mpstat)>10){@mpstat=split(/ /,$mpstat);return $mpstat[5];}}
      sub getCpuIowait()       {if (length($mpstat)>10){@mpstat=split(/ /,$mpstat);return $mpstat[6];}}
      sub getCpuIntrS()        {if (length($mpstat)>10){@mpstat=split(/ /,$mpstat);return $mpstat[11];}}
      sub getHostName()        { exec("PATH=\$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin; export PATH;hostname"); }
      sub getKernelVersion()   { exec("PATH=\$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin;uname --kernel-release"); }
      sub getTotalMem()        { exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^MemTotal | awk \'{print $2 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;$a=$a/1024;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getFreeMem()         { exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^MemFree | awk \'{print $2 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;$a=$a/1024;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getTotalSwap()       { exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^SwapTotal | awk \'{print $2 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;$a=$a/1024;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getFreeSwap()        { exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep ^SwapFree | awk \'{print $2 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;$a=$a/1024;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getLoadAvg1m()       { exec('cat /proc/loadavg | awk \'{print $1 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getLoadAvg5m()       { exec('cat /proc/loadavg | awk \'{print $2 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getLoadAvg15m()      { exec('cat /proc/loadavg | awk \'{print $3 }\' | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getLoadAvgEntities() { exec('cat /proc/loadavg | awk \'{print $4 }\' | cut -d\'/\' -f2 | perl -e \'$a=<STDIN>;$a=~s/\n//g;print ($a);\''); }
      sub getCpuBusy()         { exec('cat /proc/uptime | perl -e\'while(<STDIN>){$_=~s/\n//g;@a=split(/ /,$_);print 100*($a[0]-$a[1])/$a[0];}\' | cut -d\'.\' -f1');}
      sub getStartDate()       { exec('A=`cat /proc/uptime | cut -d\' \' -f1 | cut -d\'.\' -f1`;B=`date +\'%s\'`;C=$((B-A));echo $C'); $_dd=floor($_d/10)*10;  return $_dd;}
      sub getESTCount()        { exec('netstat -na | grep -i established | wc -l');}
      sub getPSCount()         { exec('ps -aef | wc -l');}
      sub getIOWait()          { exec('sar 1 3 2> /dev/null | tail -1 | awk \'{print $6}\'');}



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