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IEE prototype #1 description

egor1989 edited this page Mar 30, 2011 · 5 revisions

This repository consists the first prototype of Integrated Engineer's Enviroment. Source code was moved from Bitbucket, the project was hosted there in the beginning of the development process. All history remained.

Third party libraries used: Symja (external .jar)

During prototype development we have also investigated source code of CoffeBytes plugin for Eclipse and CAL Plugin for Eclipse (Thanks to Andrew Eisenberg). Eclipse XTEXT was tested as engine for ariphmetic parser base.

Installation: To try IEE prototype plugin you need to download source, import it to your Eclipse workspace and run new Eclipse.

Functionality: There're two main fuctions available in the prototype - inserting images into editor, evalute symbol math right in editor. To insert images, open file in java with images editor and press right mouse button wherever you want. From the context menu choose "Insert image", choose the image you want to insert, press OK, that is. To evaluate math, open file in java with images editor, write math expression in Symja syntax (take a look at Symja web site) wherever you want surrounded with special tags:

* @eval Expand[2*2323*(A+B+3+6+23)*x*r]

put the cursor on the end of the line and press right mouse button. From context menu choose "Evaluate line", the result of evaluation will appear on the next line in formula view (like in Mathematica).

The source code, if exists, in the files which were modified with image insertion or symbol evaluation could be compiled and run like there were not any modifications.

This prototype was made only to show some of the things we are trying to make in real, so the procedure of using functions above is a bit difficult in the moment. We are working on usability in the next release.

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