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Generic Oracle Iexec Dapp

This application is meant to build a docker container usable in SGX iexec tasks. The dapp take an input file containing a param set in a JSON format. The param set describe the request that should be done to the target API in order to get the wanted data.

The target API must answer by a JSON response.

Setting up the project

1. Building the DApp

To compile and build the dapp code, run the following command:

npm run build

This command builds the dapp code, making it ready for execution.

2. Running the Code Locally

If you wish to run the dapp locally without using Docker or sconification, follow the steps below:

  1. Setting up the Environment File:

    • First, rename the .env.override to .env.

    • Move the .env file to the src folder:

      cp .env.override .env
    • Complete the variables inside the .env file as required :

      • Create the required folders temp/iexec_in and temp/iexec_out for instance

      • Inside the temp/iexec_in directory, create a file named (for instance) input_file.json.

      • You can use the following command to do that:

        mkdir -p temp/iexec_in temp/iexec_out && touch temp/iexec_in/input_file.json
      • To correctly set up temp/iexec_in file, use the following example as a guide:

          "url": "",
          "method": "GET",
          "headers": {},
          "dataType": "number",
          "JSONPath": "$.bpi.USD.rate_float",
          "dataset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "body": ""

      Note: This is a basic example that does not include the API_KEY. To appropriately set up the input_file.json, follow the Param set spec file section later in this README.

  2. Configuring for Local, Dev, or Production:

    • You should choose the configuration file that corresponds to your intended environment:
      • Use config.local.json if you are running the API locally.
      • Use if you intend to use the dev forwarder API that forwards the oracle's result to the development smart contract.
      • Use if you plan to utilize the prod forwarder API that updates the production oracle Smart Contract.
    • Move the chosen configuration file to the src folder and rename it to config.json. For instance, if you're setting up for local, you can use this following command:
      cp config.local.json src/config.json
  3. Running the Local Server:

    • Once you have the environment and configuration set up, run the code using the following command:
      npm run start:local

3. Testing the DApp

To perform a test coverage of the dapp, run:

npm run test

This command will test the dapp and provide a coverage report, ensuring that the dapp functions as expected.

Param set spec file


The parameters must be a correct JSON object with those fields, no default value will be used.

  • "body" : The raw string of the request's body.

  • "dataType" : Must contain "number" or "string" to specify the expected type of the data

  • "dataset" : The ethereum address hex string of the dataset smart contract.

  • "headers" : Contain a sub object composed of the http request headers key - values

  • "JSONPath" : The JSON path of the data inside the request's answer. Must be a valid JSON path

  • "method" : The request's HTTP word

  • "url" : Should contain the full URL of the API endpoint. Note that any call to a non-https URL will fail

The dataset is the only optional field. Adding an unexpected field will produce an error.

Specify an api key

Param set are meant to be publicly revealed, therefore, api keys can't be directly put inside the param set.

To specify where the API key should be, insert the string %API_KEY% instead. This string will be replaced by the api key in the dataset if it's found in the url, body or one of the header field.

The API key itself should be specified in the dataset

Dataset format

The dataset itself should be a JSON with two fields :

"apiKey" : the raw API key "callParamsId" : the hash of the used param set

Test deployed Dapp on live network


The script facilitates task execution for either development (dev) or production (prod) environments. Before running specific tasks, it initializes the iexec environment.


  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute the script. If not, you can grant them with the following command:
chmod +x


Execute the script with the desired environment argument:

./ <environment>

Where <environment> can be:

  • dev for development tasks
  • prod for production tasks


  1. To run tasks for the development environment:
./ dev
  1. To run tasks for the production environment:
./ prod


Make sure to provide the correct environment argument. The script will exit with an error if an invalid argument is provided. When it's done, you can check the result on the Smart Contract Bellecour explorer. See the Smart Contract Address on the github README

Build native image (TODO: update this section and clean local-dapp-test folder)

docker image build -f docker/Dockerfile -t generic-oracle-dapp:local --build-arg CONFIG_FILE=config.local.json .

Build TEE debug image


  • bash
  • docker
  • SCONE community account
  • SCONE build tools for iExec
npm run scone

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