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Coding Standards

Antonia edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

Code Standard:

  • after return value a dot
  • no dots before ending of block closure
  • space after method header
  • space after return tick (^ ...)
  • no space after variable definement
  • ifTrue: and ifFalse: in the next row and indent than directly behind the block closure, same for collect:, do:, etc.
  • when return contains something with collect: or ifNil: or ifTrue: etc. than write everything in one row (except when the line get's too long)
  • write specific object while looping through a Collection, do not use :each
  • methods that do nothing, for example in dummy classes like SPBNullCard should contain the comment "do nothing"

Some code examples:

    ^ self columns
	collect: [:column | self buildColumnSpecWith: aBuilder and: column].
buildSidebarDescriptionSpecWith: aBuilder

	^ aBuilder pluggableTextSpec new
		model: self;
		name: #sidebarDescription;
		setText: #updateActiveCardDescription:;
		getText: #activeCardDescription;
		frame: (0@0.4 corner: 1@1);
parseChange: aJsonObject (abstract)

	| action change type |
	action := aJsonObject at: 'action'.
	(aJsonObject includesKey: 'project_card') 
		ifTrue: [type := #card.
			action = 'moved' 
				ifTrue: [change := self cardMoved: aJsonObject].
			action = 'created'
				ifTrue: [type := #lane. change := self cardCreated: aJsonObject].
			action = 'deleted'
				ifTrue: [change := self cardDeleted: aJsonObject]].
	self columns
		do: [:column | column changeProvider: self changeProvider].
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