I am a Smalltalk, Ruby and Ruby on Rails developer who has a strong interest in software design and architecture. I also coach developers on TDD, software design and architecture.
Prior to becoming a software engineer, I was a physicist at UCL. My undergraduate degree is an MSci in Theoretical Physics, and my PhD is in Physics. My area of research was on electron-molecule collisions using the R-Matrix method, developed by Wigner and Eisenbud in 1947. You can read the full article from the references therein. It was through my PhD that I became a programmer, beginning with JAVA.
From 2012 I transitioned to Ruby and Ruby on Rails which is my main language of development. Later, around 2017, I began working with Pharo Smalltalk, contributing to the mathematics library PolyMath, thanks to my former mentor Tim Mackinnon.
I am trained facilitator in:
- Teaching from the Back of the Room (TBR): a technique for designing engaging workshops in which attendees truly learn and understand the topic. I have run TDD workshops using TBR that has been fedback as engaging and inspiring;
- Event Storming: a workshopping technique used in domain driven design to discover, amongst other things, bounded context and the domain model within.
Reach me on h.n.varambhia@gmail.com
Pronouns: He/Him/His