PARC Engineer's League Competition Package
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules
Or if you already have cloned the repo without submodules, run command git submodule update --init --recursive
to update them.
cd ~/catkin_ws
sudo apt update
rosdep install --from-paths ./src --ignore-src -y
cd ~/catkin_ws
NOTE: There is a known issue while compiling, Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 is missing
To solve, update the file realsense-ros/realsense_camera/CMakeLists.txt
,line: 43 to find_package(realsense2 2.36.0)
i.e. downgrade the required version of realsense2
to 2.36.0
Run the following command in one Terminal
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch parc-robot task1.launch
And Run the following command in another terminal
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch parc-robot teleop.launch
Now keeping the second terminal on top (teleop.launch) press i
to move the robot forward, you can see the robot moving in "RViz" and "Gazebo" windows.
you can use the keys shown below to move the robot and k
key to stop the movement.
Moving around:
u i o
j k l
m , .