Code for the paper:
Valvano G., Leo A. and Tsaftaris S. A. (DART, 2021), Stop Throwing Away Discriminators! Re-using Adversaries for Test-Time Training.
and the extended version:
Valvano G., Leo A. and Tsaftaris S. A. (arXiv, 2021), Re-using Adversarial Mask Discriminators for Test-time Training under Distribution Shifts.
The official project page is here.
An online version of the DART paper can be found here.
The extended version can be found here
title={Stop Throwing Away Discriminators! Re-using Adversaries for Test-Time Training},
author={Valvano, Gabriele and Leo, Andrea and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A},
booktitle={Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer, and Affordable Healthcare and AI for Resource Diverse Global Health},
title={Re-using Adversarial Mask Discriminators for Test-time Training under Distribution Shifts},
author={Valvano, Gabriele and Leo, Andrea and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11926},
For the experiments, refer to the files:
. This file contains the model and all the code needed for training. It is the base class inherited from the classExperiment()
. Refer to the class methoddefine_model()
to see how we build the CNN architectures. The structure of segmentor, discriminator, and adaptor can be found under the folderarchitectures
. This file defines a child class inheriting from the base class defined inexperiments/
. It defines the directories and filenames needed for the logs, and also theget_data()
method, which wraps the experiment to the dataset used for the experiments.
Once you download the ACDC dataset, you can pre-process it using the code in the file data_interface/utils_acdc/
You can also train with custom datasets, but you must adhere to the template required by data_interface/interfaces/
, which assumes the access to the dataset is through a tensorflow dataset iterator. Moreover, you will need to modify the method get_data()
inside experiments/acdc/
You can start training following the guidelines in
. To run the training on GPU #0 you can type in the shell:
sh 0
where 0 is the GPU number. The training will proceed for both experiments in:
- semi-supervised learning (Non-Identifiable Distribution Shift between train and test set), splitting the dataset in 40-20-40% of samples for train, validation and test sets (training annotations only for 25% of the training data);
- training on 1.5T MRI scanners and testing on 3T scanners (Identifiable Distribution Shift). After training, the script also performs the test using Adversarial Test-Time Training in its standard formulation, and in a continual learning setting.
After you run the script, you can monitor the training process using tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=results/acdc/graphs/
and then using your browser to navigate to the returned http address (defaults on localhost:6006).
This code was implemented using TensorFlow 1.14 and the libraries detailed in requirements.txt.
You can install these libraries as:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or using conda (see this).
We tested the code on a TITAN Xp GPU, and on a GeForce GTX 1080, using CUDA 10.2.