The purpose of this plugin is to provide a straight-forward way of displaying a calendar with public events. Users may submit events and have them displayed in the calendar (after they have been revised and activated by a page admin or editor).
A main goal for this plugin is to be simple in configuration, simple to use, and to have a clean and tidy presentation of the events.
- Download or clone all the files from this repository into the plugins directory of your Wordpress
site (usually
). The directory must be namedcommunity-calendar
(git clone
will create this directory for you).
cd <root_of_page>/wp-content/plugins
git clone
- Activate the plugin in the the admin area of your page
The main purpose of this plugin is its usage together with the Grünes Brett WordPress Theme:
The plugin defines API endpoints for querying event data as JSON.
API entry point: https://your.domain/wp-json/comcal/v1/
Endpoint | Description |
event/ev13456abc |
Query a single event by event ID |
event/byCategory/Catgory Name |
Query all events that belong to a certain category |
event/byOrganizer/Fridays For Future |
Query all events that have been created by a certain organizer |
Optionally, a parameter ?display
may be added to the URL in order for the description being returned as HTML
instead of raw text.
If non-registered user adds a new event, it will be hidden by default and needs to be set public by an admin or an editor user (Redakteur). The non-registered user will receive an email notification about his new event, including the link to the (hidden) event. Admins and editors may enable a setting in their profile that they want to receive an email notification about new anonymous events.
If you encounter problems with the plugin or have ideas for improvements and useful features, please open an issue.
Tests in the tests
directory can be executed with phpunit. Use composer install
install it and then execute tests while in the same directory as the phpunit.xml
For debugging unit tests set the following on the command line:
export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=VSCODE"
and launch "Listen for Xdebug" as described here.