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289 lines (215 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
289 lines (215 loc) · 11.4 KB


All URIs are relative to /api/v1

Method HTTP request Description
Invoke-GroAdminDeleteMlist DELETE /domains/{domainID}/mlists/{ID} deleteMlist
Get-GroAdminMlist GET /domains/{domainID}/mlists/{ID} getMlist
Get-GroAdminMlists GET /domains/{domainID}/mlists getMlists
Invoke-GroAdminPatchMlist PATCH /domains/{domainID}/mlists/{ID} patchMlist
Submit-GroAdminMlists POST /domains/{domainID}/mlists postMlists


void Invoke-GroAdminDeleteMlist


Delete mailing list


$DomainID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the domain
$ID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the object
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)

# deleteMlist
try {
    $Result = Invoke-GroAdminDeleteMlist -DomainID $DomainID -ID $ID -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Invoke-GroAdminDeleteMlist: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))


Name Type Description Notes
DomainID Int32 ID of the domain
ID Int32 ID of the object
XCsrfToken String CSRF Token [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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MlistRead Get-GroAdminMlist
        [-Level] <System.Nullable[Int32]>


Get information about a mailing list


$DomainID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the domain
$ID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the object
$Level = 56 # Int32 | Set detail level of return value. Usually ranges from 0 to 2. (optional)

# getMlist
try {
    $Result = Get-GroAdminMlist -DomainID $DomainID -ID $ID -Level $Level
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Get-GroAdminMlist: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))


Name Type Description Notes
DomainID Int32 ID of the domain
ID Int32 ID of the object
Level Int32 Set detail level of return value. Usually ranges from 0 to 2. [optional]

Return type

MlistRead (PSCustomObject)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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DomainsMlistsResponse Get-GroAdminMlists
        [-Level] <System.Nullable[Int32]>
        [-Limit] <System.Nullable[Int32]>
        [-Offset] <System.Nullable[Int32]>
        [-ID] <System.Nullable[Int32][]>
        [-ListType] <System.Nullable[Int32][]>
        [-ListPrivilege] <System.Nullable[Int32][]>


Get list of mailing lists


$DomainID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the domain
$Level = 56 # Int32 | Set detail level of return value. Usually ranges from 0 to 2. (optional)
$Limit = 56 # Int32 | Maximum number of results to return (optional) (default to 50)
$Offset = 56 # Int32 | Index of the first element to return (optional) (default to 0)
$Match = "MyMatch" # String | Match by substring (optional)
$MatchFields = "MyMatchFields" # String | Comma separated list of attributes to restrict matching to. (optional)
$Sort = "MySort" # String | Sort by attribute. Can be given multiple times. (optional)
$ID = 0 # Int32[] | Filter one or more IDs (optional)
$Listname = "MyListname" # String | Filter by list name (optional)
$ListType = 0 # Int32[] | Filter by one or more list types (optional)
$ListPrivilege = 0 # Int32[] | Filter by one or more list privilege types (optional)

# getMlists
try {
    $Result = Get-GroAdminMlists -DomainID $DomainID -Level $Level -Limit $Limit -Offset $Offset -Match $Match -MatchFields $MatchFields -Sort $Sort -ID $ID -Listname $Listname -ListType $ListType -ListPrivilege $ListPrivilege
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Get-GroAdminMlists: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))


Name Type Description Notes
DomainID Int32 ID of the domain
Level Int32 Set detail level of return value. Usually ranges from 0 to 2. [optional]
Limit Int32 Maximum number of results to return [optional] [default to 50]
Offset Int32 Index of the first element to return [optional] [default to 0]
Match String Match by substring [optional]
MatchFields String Comma separated list of attributes to restrict matching to. [optional]
Sort String Sort by attribute. Can be given multiple times. [optional]
ID Int32[] Filter one or more IDs [optional]
Listname String Filter by list name [optional]
ListType Int32[] Filter by one or more list types [optional]
ListPrivilege Int32[] Filter by one or more list privilege types [optional]

Return type

DomainsMlistsResponse (PSCustomObject)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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MlistRead Invoke-GroAdminPatchMlist


Update mailing list


$DomainID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the domain
$ID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the object
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)
$ListType1 = Initialize-ListType1 
$ListPrivilege = Initialize-ListPrivilege 
$PostMlistsRequest = Initialize-PostMlistsRequest -Listname "MyListname" -ListType $ListType1 -ListPrivilege $ListPrivilege -Associations "MyAssociations" -Specifieds "MySpecifieds" -Class 0 # PostMlistsRequest |  (optional)

# patchMlist
try {
    $Result = Invoke-GroAdminPatchMlist -DomainID $DomainID -ID $ID -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken -PostMlistsRequest $PostMlistsRequest
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Invoke-GroAdminPatchMlist: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))


Name Type Description Notes
DomainID Int32 ID of the domain
ID Int32 ID of the object
XCsrfToken String CSRF Token [optional]
PostMlistsRequest PostMlistsRequest [optional]

Return type

MlistRead (PSCustomObject)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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MlistRead Submit-GroAdminMlists


Create new mailing list


$DomainID = 56 # Int32 | ID of the domain
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)
$ListType1 = Initialize-ListType1 
$ListPrivilege = Initialize-ListPrivilege 
$PostMlistsRequest = Initialize-PostMlistsRequest -Listname "MyListname" -ListType $ListType1 -ListPrivilege $ListPrivilege -Associations "MyAssociations" -Specifieds "MySpecifieds" -Class 0 # PostMlistsRequest |  (optional)

# postMlists
try {
    $Result = Submit-GroAdminMlists -DomainID $DomainID -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken -PostMlistsRequest $PostMlistsRequest
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Submit-GroAdminMlists: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))


Name Type Description Notes
DomainID Int32 ID of the domain
XCsrfToken String CSRF Token [optional]
PostMlistsRequest PostMlistsRequest [optional]

Return type

MlistRead (PSCustomObject)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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