This product is developped for ETH Tokyo 2024 Hackthon ( ).
The huckathon details are found at .
What it does
- We build a multi-play treasure hunt game, which is based on ZKP technology, as the project name says. Prover sets a hidden treasure spot secretly, and users moves around on the map to find the spot. Each user provides information about the move (source and destination positions), then Prover generates a ZK proof which shows if the move is towards the hidden spot (or apart from the spot), and publishes the proof onto a blockchain. (with this step, users are able to identify whether the move is towards a right direction to the treasure spot, while the spot location is not exposed) A user decides on his/her next move, based on the published the proofs. Upon a preset time comes, a nearly user will be awarded.
The problem it solves
- Our problem is that how we can share a user's location is closer to the treasure spot location without exposing the spot location itself.
Challenges I ran into
- We took a long time to reach to this idea, while we set our domain as a kind of location plus ZKP.
Technologies I used
- We used ZKP platform. We wrote circuits in 'circom' and comiled them for 'groth16' with 'snarkJS'.
How we built it
- We divided our activities into two pieces, such as frontend and backend; the frontend team works mainly on map UI, the backend team works on ZK circuit and related libraries and contracts.