This repo has been structured to be used with GNU Stow. The following software is dotfiled in this repo:
- X11
- i3
- Dunst
- xbindkeys
- zathura
- feh
- Rofi, rofi-pass
- LaTeXMk
- Mpd
- Ncmpcpp
- Beets
- Mutt
- Offlineimap
- vdirsyncer
- khard
- Newsbeuter / newsboat
- TaskWarrior
- TimeWarrior
- Cups
- Docker
- GnuPG
When program's settings depend from another software, or when installation is
quite complicated, an INSTALL
file is provided. When a program needs some
passwords in the rc
file, an example
folder has been added with some
samples of rc files.
given the provided
, all settings in all folders are referred to$HOME
the only exception is the
, containing device-specific settings; to use them, just put yourself in the right device folder and specify the current folder as a Stow directory, e.g.:cd _devs/duck stow -d . beet
to install Beets configuration. Optionally, a custom root for the target can be specified, e.g.:
cd _devs/zerzan stow -d . -t /home/fradeve rslsync