python-gdsii is a library that can be used to read, create, modify and save GDSII files. It supports both low-level record I/O and high level interface to GDSII libraries (databases), structures, and elements.
This package also includes scripts that can be used to convert binary GDS file to a simple text format (gds2txt), YAML (gds2yaml), and from text fromat back to GDSII (txt2gds).
For most cases interface provided by Library class from gdsii.library should be enough. Here is a small example:
from gdsii.library import Library from gdsii.elements import * # read a library from a file with open('file.gds', 'rb') as stream: lib = Library.load(stream) # let's move the first structure to a new library new_lib = Library(5, b'NEWLIB.DB', 1e-9, 0.001) struc = lib.pop(0) # libraries and structures are derived from list class new_lib.append(struc) # let's also add some elements... # Note: first and last points in the boundary should be the same # this is required by GDSII spec. struc.append(Boundary(45, 0, [(-100000, -100000), (-100000, 0), (0,0), (0, -100000), (-100000, -100000)])) # Save both files with different names... with open('newfile1.gds', 'wb') as stream: with open('newfile2.gds', 'wb') as stream: