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Importing maplab to Eclipse

Marius Fehr edited this page Sep 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

Adapted from wiki page written by Simon Lynen

Install LLVM plugin:

  • Help -> "Install New Software".
  • From the "Work With" dropdown list select "All available Sites".
  • Un-Select "Hide Items that are already installed".
  • Enter "LLVM" into the search bar, press "Enter" and wait.
  • Make sure the entry "C/C++ LLVM-Familiy Compiler Build Support" is checked.
  • Click the "Next" button etc. to finish the installation.

Configure LLVM plugin:

  • Click on "Window" -> "Preferences"

  • Under "C/C++" select "LLVM"

  • Set the llvm installation directory:


  • Press the "New" button next to "Include directories" and add:


  • Press the "New" button next to "Library search path directories" and add:


Create project for maplab mapping

Select "File" -> "New" -> "C++-Project"

  • Set a project name
  • Set "[PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS]/src/maplab" as project location.
  • Select "Makefile Project" -> "Empty Project"
  • Select "LLVM with Clang (Linux)" from the box on the right. Click "Finish"

Set additional indexer settings

  • Select "File" -> "Properties"

  • Expand "C++-General" and select "Paths and Symbols"

  • In the "Includes" tab select "GNU C++" under "Languages" click "Add" and add:

  • In the "Libraries" tab make sure you have an entry "stdc++"

  • In the "Library Paths" tab click "Add" and add:

  • Open in project settings "C/C++ General", "Indexer", and click on "Enable project specific settings" and "Allow heuristic resolution of includes".

  • Close the properties window by hitting "OK".

  • If using gcc 4.8, Select Window / Preference

    • Under C/C++ / Build / Settings / Discovery / CDT GCC Built-In Compiler Settings, add "-std=c++11" to the command line, i.e. it should say "${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}" -std=c++11".
  • Rebuild the index

    • Right click on your project
    • Select "Index" -> "Rebuild" (Note: Until the background process is done some symbols will not resolve).

Configure build targets

For every package you want to build in Eclipse:

  • Select "File" -> "Properties"
  • Click on "C++ Build" in the menu on the left.
  • Click the "Manage Configurations"
  • Click "New" and enter the package name as "Name" for the configuration.
  • Back at the "C++ Build" page enter make -j8 (or make tests -j8 for test building) as build command.
  • Navigate to [PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS]/build/[PACKAGE_NAME] as the build location.

The individual packages appear now as targets to build in the menu denoted by the "hammer" symbol.

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