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A repository that builds and distributes a wheel for the suds-jurko Python package without any modifications.

suds-jurko is an old, unmaintained Python package (last updated 2014) that other Python packages like the ulmo hydrology data package depends on. Unfortunately, suds-jurko is only distributed on PyPI as a source distribution, and it is incompatible with modern versions of setuptools. This makes suds-jurko, and consequentially packages like ulmo, annoying to easily pip install.

By distributing suds-jurko as a wheel, users can easily pip install suds-jurko without needing to worry about their setuptools version, which only matters at build time.

Using the wheel

The wheel is published as a release asset on this repository. See the suds_jurko-0.6-py3-none-any.whl file on the Releases page. You can use this as a drop-in replacement for installing suds-jurko normally from PyPI. If you need suds-jurko because it's a dependency of another package you need, like ulmo, you can either install this suds-jurko distribution first or specify them both as dependencies side-by-side in your requirements.txt or pyproject.toml.

To install with pip:

pip install

To include in a requirements.txt file that you can install with pip install -r:

suds-jurko @

To include in a pyproject.toml file as a package dependency:

dependencies = [
  "suds-jurko @",


PyPI has a policy of not allowing direct dependencies (i.e., dependencies not on PyPI) when publishing any packages to there. If there is an interest in using this distribution as a dependency of a PyPI package, please file an issue. We can consider publishing this package under a different name to serve as a drop-in replacement.

Building the wheel yourself

Requires Python, unzip, wget, sha256sum (coreutils). Install the Python dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then build the wheel with:


This builds the wheel to dist/suds_jurko-0.6-py3-none-any.whl.


The code in this repository for building a wheel for suds-jurko is licensed under the MIT license.

The built suds-jurko wheel contains the unmodified source code from the suds-jurko project and is distributed under its original license (LGPLv3). See the LICENSE.txt file included inside the wheel for details.