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Self hosted API gateway to easily interact with Drift V2 Protocol


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Drift Gateway

Self hosted API gateway to easily interact with Drift V2 Protocol

Table of Contents

  1. Build & Run
  2. Usage
  3. API Examples
  4. Errors
  5. FAQ

Build & Run

⚠️ Before starting, ensure a Drift user account is initialized e.g. via the drift app at (devnet) or

From Docker

Use prebuilt image,

# authenticate to github container registry
# run image
docker run \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  --platform linux/x86_64 \ --host --markets wbtc,drift

Build the Docker image:

# NOTE: '--platform linux/x86_64' ensures the correct memory layout at runtime
# for solana program data types

docker build -f Dockerfile . -t drift-gateway --platform linux/x86_64

Run the image:

docker run \
  -e RUST_LOG=info \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  drift-gateway --host --markets wbtc,drift

From Source


Supports latest rust stable

⚠️ requires an x86_64 arch toolchain e.g. 1.81.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

# install libdrift_ffi
curl -L > &&\
  unzip &&\
  ln -sf /usr/local/lib

# make a release build from source
CARGO_DRIFT_FFI_PATH='/usr/local/lib' cargo build --release


# configure the gateway signing key
export DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY=</PATH/TO/KEY.json | seedBase58>

# '--dev' to toggle devnet markets (default is mainnet)
# ensure the RPC node is also using the matching devnet or mainnet
drift-gateway --dev

# or mainnet
# NB: `` is not recommend for production use cases
drift-gateway --markets sol-perp,sol,weth


⚠️ Before starting, ensure a Drift user account is initialized e.g. via the drift app at (devnet) or

Environment Variables

These runtime environment variables are required:

Variable Description Example Value
DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY Path to your key file or seed in Base58. Transactions will be signed with this keypair </PATH/TO/KEY.json> or seedBase58
INIT_RPC_THROTTLE Adds a delay (seconds) between RPC bursts during gateway startup. Useful to avoid 429/rate-limit errors. Can be set to 0, if RPC node is highspec 1
Usage: drift-gateway <rpc_host> [--dev] [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--delegate <delegate>] [--emulate <emulate>]

Drift gateway server

Positional Arguments:
  rpc_host          the solana RPC URL

  --markets         list of markets to trade e.g '--markets sol-perp,wbtc,pyusd'
                    gateway creates market subscriptions for responsive trading
  --dev             run in devnet mode
  --host            gateway host address
  --port            gateway port
  --ws-port         gateway Ws port
                    http keep-alive timeout in seconds
  --delegate        use delegated signing mode provide the delegator's pubkey
                    (i.e the main account) 'DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY' should be set to
                    the delegate's private key
  --emulate         run the gateway in read-only mode for given authority pubkey
  --tx-commitment   solana commitment level to use for transaction confirmation
                    (default: confirmed)
  --commitment      solana commitment level to use for state updates (default:
                    default sub_account_id to use (default: 0)
                    skip tx preflight checks
  --verbose         enable debug logging
  --help            display usage information

Delegated Signing Mode

Passing the --delegate <DELEGATOR_PUBKEY> flag will instruct the gateway to run in delegated signing mode.

In this mode, the gateway will act for DELEGATOR_PUBKEY and sub-accounts while signing with the key provided via DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY (i.e delegate key).

Use the drift UI or Ts/Python SDK to assign a delegator key. see Delegated Accounts for more information.

Sub-account Switching

By default the gateway will perform all account operations on sub-account 0, you can overwrite this default by setting the --default-sub-account-id flag on startup.

A subAccountId URL query parameter may be supplied to switch the sub-account per request basis.

e.g http://<gateway>/v1/orders?subAccountId=3 will return orders for the wallet's sub-account 3

Emulation Mode

Passing the --emulate <EMULATED_PUBBKEY> flag will instruct the gateway to run in read-only mode.

The gateway will receive all events, positions, etc. as normal but be unable to send transactions.

note therefore DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY is not required to be set.

CU Price & Limits

CU limit may be set on transaction request with the query parameter computeUnitLimit=300000, the default if unset is 200000.

CU price in micro-lamports may be set on transaction request with the query parameter computeUnitPrice=1000, the default if unset is a dynamic value from chain set at 90-th percentile of the local fee market.

The following error is logged when a tx does not have enough CU limit, increasing the cu limit can fix it or reducing number complexity of the order e..g number of orders/markets per batch.

"Program dRiftyHA39MWEi3m9aunc5MzRF1JYuBsbn6VPcn33UH failed: exceeded CUs meter at BPF instruction"]), accounts: None, units_consumed: Some(1000), return_data: None }) })

example request

$ curl 'localhost:8080/v2/orders?computeUnitLimit=300000&computeUnitPrice=1000' -X POST \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d # { order data ...}

API Examples

Please refer to for further examples and reference documentation on various types, fields, and operations available on drift.


Get Markets

gets info on all available spot & perp markets

NB: spot marketIndex 0/USDC is non-tradable

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/markets


  • priceStep smallest order price increment for the market
  • amountStep smallest order amount increment for the market
  • minOrderSize minimum order amount for the market
  • initialMarginRatio collateral required to open position
  • maintenanceMarginRatio collateral required to maintain position
  "spot": [
      "marketIndex": 1,
      "symbol": "SOL",
      "priceStep": "0.0001",
      "amountStep": "0.1",
      "minOrderSize": "0.1",
    // ...
  "perp": [
      "marketIndex": 0,
      "symbol": "SOL-PERP",
      "priceStep": "0.0001",
      "amountStep": "0.01",
      "minOrderSize": "0.01",
      "initialMarginRatio": "0.1",
      "maintenanceMarginRatio": "0.05"
    // ...

Get Margin Info

Returns the account margin requirements

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/user/marginInfo


  "initial": "141.414685",
  "maintenance": "132.522189"

Get Leverage

Returns the account leverage

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/leverage


   "leverage" : "0.094489"

Get Collateral

Returns the account's maintenance collateral

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/collateral



Get Market Info

Returns market details (perps only)

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/marketInfo/0


  "openInterest": 662876,
  "maxOpenInterest": 850000

Get Orderbook

To query or stream orderbooks via WebSocket, public DLOB servers are available at:

  • devnet: wss://
  • mainnet: wss://

see for usage example

Get Orders

get all orders

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders

get orders by market

$ curl -X GET \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"marketIndex":1,"marketType":"spot"}' \


  "orders": [
      "orderType": "limit",
      "marketIndex": 1,
      "marketType": "spot",
      "amount": "-1.100000000",
      "filled": "0.000000000",
      "price": "80.500000",
      "postOnly": true,
      "reduceOnly": false,
      "userOrderId": 101,
      "orderId": 35
      "orderType": "limit",
      "marketIndex": 1,
      "marketType": "perp",
      "amount": "0.005000000",
      "filled": "0.000000000",
      "price": "0.000000",
      "postOnly": true,
      "reduceOnly": false,
      "userOrderId": 103,
      "orderId": 50,
      "oraclePriceOffset": "20.000000"

Get Positions

get all positions

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/positions

get positions by market

$ curl -X GET \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"marketIndex":0,"marketType":"perp"}' \


  "spot": [
      "amount": "0.400429",
      "type": "deposit",
      "marketIndex": 0
      "amount": "9.971961702",
      "type": "deposit",
      "marketIndex": 1
  "perp": []

Get Position Info (perps only)

get extended position info for perps positions

# query info for perp market 0
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/positionInfo/0


  • unrealizedPnL is based on the oracle price at time of query
  • unsettledPnl does not include unsettled funding amounts


  "amount": "-3.3",
  "averageEntry": "102.2629",
  "marketIndex": 0,
  "liquidationPrice": "213.405881",
  "unrealizedPnl": "-0.305832",
  "unsettledPnl": "2795.32259",
  "oraclePrice": "184.942200"

Get Transaction Events

gets the transaction and parses events relevant to the provided user subAccountId (default will be used otherwise). Only events relevant to the provided user will be returned.

# get events from tx hash 5JuobpnzPzwgdha4d7FpUHpvkinhyXCJhnPPkwRkdAJ1REnsJPK82q7C3vcMC4BhCQiABR4wfdbaa9StMDkCd9y5 for my subAccountId 0
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/transactionEvent/5JuobpnzPzwgdha4d7FpUHpvkinhyXCJhnPPkwRkdAJ1REnsJPK82q7C3vcMC4BhCQiABR4wfdbaa9StMDkCd9y5?subAccountId=0


A response with a fill belonging to sub-account 0

  "events": [
      "fill": {
        "side": "buy",
        "fee": "0.129744",
        "amount": "5",
        "price": "103.7945822",
        "oraclePrice": "102.386992",
        "orderId": 436,
        "marketIndex": 0,
        "marketType": "perp",
        "ts": 1708684880,
        "signature": "5JuobpnzPzwgdha4d7FpUHpvkinhyXCJhnPPkwRkdAJ1REnsJPK82q7C3vcMC4BhCQiABR4wfdbaa9StMDkCd9y5"

A response for a transaction not found. You should consider this transaction as dropped after around 5 seconds.

  "code": 404,
  "reason": "tx not found: 4Mi32iRCqo2XXPjnV4bywyBpommVmbm5AN4wqbkgGFwDM3bTz6xjNfaomAnGJNFxicoMjX5x3D1b3DGW9xwkY7ms"

A response for a transaction that was found, but doesn't contain any events for the user

  "events": []

Get SOL balance

Return the on-chain SOL balance of the transaction signer (DRIFT_GATEWAY_KEY)

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/balance
{ "balance": "0.12" }

Place Orders

  • use sub-zero amount to indicate sell/offer order
  • userOrderId is a uint in the range 1 <= x <= 255 which can be assigned by the client to help distinguish orders
  • orderType only "limit" and "market" options are fully supported by the gateway
  • oraclePriceOffset supported on "limit" order types. It creates a limit order with a floating price relative to the market oracle price. when supplied the price field is ignored.
  • maxTs order expiration timestamp. NB: expired orders can incur protocol costs
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X POST \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "orders": [
        "marketIndex": 1,
        "marketType": "spot",
        "amount": -1.23,
        "price": 80.0,
        "postOnly": true,
        "orderType": "limit",
        "userOrderId": 101,
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "maxTs": 1707112301
        "marketIndex": 0,
        "marketType": "perp",
        "amount": 1.23,
        "postOnly": true,
        "orderType": "limit",
        "oraclePriceOffset": 2,
        "userOrderId": 102

Returns solana tx signature on success

Modify Orders

like place orders but caller must use either orderId or userOrderId to indicate which order(s) to modify.

  • amount can be modified to flip the order from long/short to bid/ask
  • the order market cannot be modified.
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X PATCH \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "orders": [{
        "marketIndex": 0,
        "marketType": "perp",
        "amount": -1.1,
        "price": 80.5,
        "userOrderId": 101
        "marketIndex": 1,
        "marketType": "spot",
        "amount": 2.05,
        "price": 61.0,
        "userOrderId": 32

Returns solana tx signature on success

Cancel Orders

# cancel all by market id
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X DELETE -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"marketIndex":1,"marketType":"spot"}'
# cancel by order ids
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X DELETE -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"ids":[1,2,3,4]}'
# cancel by user assigned order ids
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X DELETE -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"userIds":[1,2,3,4]}'
# cancel all orders
$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders -X DELETE

Returns solana tx signature on success

Atomic Cancel/Modify/Place Orders

Atomically cancel, modify, and place orders without possible downtime. Request format is an embedded cancel modify, and place request

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/orders/cancelAndPlace -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "cancel": {
        "marketIndex": 0,
        "marketType": "perp"
    "modify": {
      "orders": [{
            "marketIndex": 0,
            "marketType": "perp",
            "orderId": 555,
            "amount": -0.5,
            "price": 82.0
    "place": {
        "orders": [
            "marketIndex": 0,
            "marketType": "perp",
            "amount": -1.23,
            "price": 99.0,
            "postOnly": true,
            "orderType": "limit",
            "reduceOnly": false

WebSocket API

Websocket API is provided for live event streams by default at port


Subscribe to order and fills updates by a subAccountId (0 is the drift default)

{"method":"subscribe", "subAccountId":0}
// unsubscribe
{"method":"unsubscribe", "subAccountId":0}

Event Payloads

event payloads can be distinguished by "channel" field and the "data" payload is keyed by the event type

order cancelled

  "data": {
    "orderCancel": {
      "orderId": 156,
      "ts": 1704777451,
      "signature": "2Cdo5Xgxj6uWY6dnWmuU5a8tH5fKC2K6YUqzVYKgnm8KkMVhPczBZrNEs4VGwEBMhgosifmNjBXSjFMWbGKJiqSz",
      "txIdx": 15
  "channel": "orders",
  "subAccountId": 0

order expired

  • if an order's maxTs is reached then it can be cancelled by protocol keeper bots, producing the following expired event.
  "data": {
    "orderExpire": {
      "orderId": 156,
      "fee": "-0.0012",
      "ts": 1704777451,
      "signature": "2Cdo5Xgxj6uWY6dnWmuU5a8tH5fKC2K6YUqzVYKgnm8KkMVhPczBZrNEs4VGwEBMhgosifmNjBXSjFMWbGKJiqSz"
  "channel": "orders",
  "subAccountId": 0

order created

  • auction and trigger fields are only relevant for auction type or trigger type orders respectively.
  • price is shown as 0 for market and oracle orders.
  "data": {
    "orderCreate": {
      "order": {
        "slot": 271243169,
        "price": "0",
        "amount": "0.1",
        "filled": "0",
        "triggerPrice": "0",
        "auctionStartPrice": "0",
        "auctionEndPrice": "0",
        "maxTs": 0,
        "oraclePriceOffset": "2",
        "orderId": 157,
        "marketIndex": 0,
        "orderType": "limit",
        "marketType": "perp",
        "userOrderId": 102,
        "direction": "buy",
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "postOnly": false,
        "auctionDuration": 0
      "ts": 1704777347,
      "signature": "2Cdo5Xgxj6uWY6dnWmuU5a8tH5fKC2K6YUqzVYKgnm8KkMVhPczBZrNEs4VGwEBMhgosifmNjBXSjFMWbGKJiqSz",
      "txIdx": 31
  "channel": "orders",
  "subAccountId": 0

order fill

  • fee: positive amounts are (maker) rebates
  "data": {
    "fill": {
      "side": "sell",
      "fee": "-0.100549",
      "amount": "0.0326",
      "price": "61687",
      "oraclePrice": "61335.477737",
      "orderId": 11198929,
      "marketIndex": 1,
      "marketType": "perp",
      "ts": 1709248100,
      "txIdx": 12,
      "signature": "5xZvkv2Y5nGgpYpitFyzg99AVwqHPwspapjxBFmPygrKWdwPfaBd6Tm3sQEw3k8GsZAd68cJ9cPr89wJ11agWthp",
      "maker": "B24N44F45nq4Sk2gVQqtWG3bfXW2FJKZrVqhhWcxJNv3",
      "makerOrderId": 11198929,
      "makerFee": "-0.100549",
      "taker": "Fii4Aio6rGoa8BDH6mR7JfTWA73FA7No1SNauYEWCoVn",
      "takerOrderId": 40,
      "takerFee": "0.502750"
  "channel": "fills",
  "subAccountId": 1

order modify

Modifying an order produces a cancel event followed by a create event with the same orderId

order cancel (missing) | experimental

emitted when a cancel action was requested on an order that did not exist onchain.

this event may be safely ignored, it is added in an effort to help order life-cycle tracking in certain setups.

  • one of userOrderId or orderId will be a non-zero value (dependent on the original tx).
  "data": {
    "orderCancelMissing": {
      "userOrderId": 5,
      "orderId": 0,
      "ts": 1704777451,
      "signature": "2Cdo5Xgxj6uWY6dnWmuU5a8tH5fKC2K6YUqzVYKgnm8KkMVhPczBZrNEs4VGwEBMhgosifmNjBXSjFMWbGKJiqSz"
  "channel": "orders",
  "subAccountId": 0

funding payment

settled funding payment event for open perp positions

  • amount is usdc
  "data": {
    "fundingPayment": {
      "amount": "0.005558",
      "marketIndex": 0,
      "ts": 1708664443,
      "signature": "2Cdo5Xgxj6uWY6dnWmuU5a8tH5fKC2K6YUqzVYKgnm8KkMVhPczBZrNEs4VGwEBMhgosifmNjBXSjFMWbGKJiqSz",
      "txIdx": 1
  "channel": "funding",
  "subAccountId": 0


error responses have the following JSON structure:

  "code": "<http status code | program error code>",
  "reason": "<explanation>"

Some endpoints send transactions to the drift program and can return program error codes. The full list of drift program error codes is available in the API docs



Usually means the drift user (sub)account has not been initialized. Use the UI or Ts/Python sdk to initialize the sub-account first.

  "code": 500,
  "reason": "AccountNotFound: pubkey=FQHZg9yU2o5uN9ERQyeTNNAMe3JWf13gce2DUj6x2HTv"

429s / gateway hitting RPC rate limits

this can occur during gateway startup as drift market data is pulled from the network and subscriptions are intialized.
try setting INIT_RPC_THROTTLE=2 for e.g. 2s or longer, this allows some time between request bursts on start up.

The free _api.mainnet-beta.solana.com_ RPC support is limited due to rate-limits

Some(GetProgramAccounts), kind: Reqwest(reqwest::Error { kind: Status(429), ...

Slow queries

Queries longer than a few ms may be due to missing market subscriptions.
Ensure gateway is properly configured with intended markets.