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PyPI - Python Version

ExtensiveAutomation enable you to create custom workflows to automate your project.

  • a workflow is the combination of differents actions.
  • an action is individual python code source with enriched parameters.

The architecture is composed of 3 parts:

Table of contents

Server Installation

About the server

The server is the main part of the ExtensiveAutomation project.

It's is running on the following tcp ports:

  • tcp/8081: REST API
  • tcp/8082: Websocket tunnel for app client
  • tcp/8083: Websocket tunnel for agents

A user account is required, you can use the default ones or create your own account. Default user accounts and passwords:

  • admin/password
  • tester/password
  • monitor/password

YAML files storage can be split into different workspaces. The Common workspace is available by default, attached to the previous users.

PyPI package

  1. Run the following command

    python3 -m pip install extensiveautomation_server
  2. Type the following command on your shell to start the server

    extensiveautomation --start
  3. Finally, check if the server is running fine.

Docker image

  1. Downloading the image

    docker pull extensiveautomation/extensiveautomation-server:latest
  2. Start the container

    docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 8083:8083 \
    --name=extensive extensiveautomation/extensiveautomation-server

    If you want to start the container with persistant tests data, go to Docker Hub page.

  3. Finally, check if the server is running fine.

Source code

  1. Clone this repository on your linux server

    git clone
    cd extensiveautomation-server/
  2. As precondition, install the additional python libraries with pip command:

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Start the server. On linux the server is running as daemon.

    cd src/
    python3 --start
  4. Finally, check if the server is running fine.

Install plugins

You can add plugins to your extensive automation server to add more functionnalities like make http requests, send ssh commands. By default the server comes without plugins so you need to install them one by one according to your needs with pip commands.

Main plugins:

And many others (old ones)...

Server is running fine

Testing using Curl

Checking if the REST api working fine using curl or postman.

curl -s -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"login": "admin", "password": "password"}' | jq .

success response:

    "cmd": "/session/login", 
    "message": "Logged in", 
    "session_id": "MjA1OWI1OTc1MWM0NDU2NDg4MjQxMjRjNWFmN2FkNThhO", 
    "expires": 86400, 
    "user_id": 1, 
    "levels": ["Administrator"], 
    "project_id": 1, 
    "api_login": "admin", 
    "api_secret": "6977aa6a443bd3a6033ebb52557cf90d24c79857", 
    "client-available": false, 
    "version": "",
    "name": ""

Understand the Data Storage

Get the location

All data necessary for the server is stored in a specific folder. The location of the storage can be found with the following command:

extensiveautomation --show-data-path

Data storage overview:

        [...yaml files...]

Working with actions

Action is individual python code source with parameters and must be defined with YAML file.

About actions

You can create your own actions but some actions are available by default in the folder /actions Actions must be defined with YAML file.

The default ones:

Additional actions are available with plugins:

HelloWorld action

This following action is available in the data storage in "/actions/basic/" folder. This basic action shows how to write python source code with parameters in YAML format.

   - name: msg
     value: hello world
python: |
    class HelloWorld(Action):
        def definition(self):

Working with workflows

A workflow is the combination of differents actions and must be defined with YAML file. Parameters from actions can be easily overwritten and conditions between actions can be defined.

About workflows

You can create your own workflows but some workflows are available by default in the folder /workflows Workflows must be defined with YAML file.

The default ones:

Additional workflows are available with plugins:

HelloWorld workflow

This following workflow is available in the data storage in "/workflows/basic/" folder. This workflow shows how to use actions with updated parameters.

- description: HelloWorld
  file: Common:actions/basic/helloworld.yml
   - name: msg
     value: Hola Mundo

SSH workflow

This example describe how to write a ssh workflow to execute some commands remotely using SSH. The SSH plugin must be installed, please refer to the chapter Install plugins.

The following example show how to execute remote ssh commands.

- description: execute commands remotely using SSH 
  file: Common:actions/ssh/send_commands.yml
   - name: ssh-hosts
      - ssh-host:
        ssh-login: root
        ssh-password: ESI23xgx4yYukF9rsA1O
   - name: ssh-commands
     value: |-
        echo "hello world" >> /var/log/messages
        echo "hola mondu" >> /var/log/messages

If your want to run the previous workflow with a remote agent:

  • you must deploy a ssh agent
  • you must define the agent to use in your worflow like below
    - name: agent
      value: agent01.ssh

Additional examples are available in the data storage ./workflows/ssh/.

HTTP workflow

This example describe how to write a HTTP workflow to send HTTP requests. The WEB plugin must be installed, please refer to the chapter install plugins.

The following example show how to send a http request and waiting response with specific json key.

- description: Get my origin IP
  file: Common:actions/http/curl.yml
   - name: curl-hosts
   - name: response-body-json
     value: |
        origin -> [!CAPTURE:externalip:]
- description: Log external IP
  file: Common:actions/cache/log.yml
   - name: key
     value: externalip

If your want to run the previous workflow with a remote agent:

  • you must deploy a curl agent
  • you must define the agent to use in your worflow like below
    - name: agent
      value: agent01.curl

Additional examples are available in the data storage ./workflows/http/.

Selenium workflow

This example describe how to write a Selenium workflow.

The GUI plugin must be installed, please refer to the chapter install plugins. and the selenium agent must installed and running.

The following example show how to open the web browser, that loads the url and finally close-it after.

    - name: agent
      value: agent01.selenium
    - name: browser
      value: chrome
- description: open browser
  file: Common:actions/selenium/openbrowser.yml
  id: 1
   - name: url
- description: close browser
  file: Common:actions/selenium/closebrowser.yml
  id: 2
  parent: 1

Additionals examples are available in the data storage ./workflows/selenium/.

Sikulix workflow

This example describe how to write a Sikulix workflow. Sikulix is nice to simulate keyboard and mouse interactions on your system.

The GUI plugin must be installed, please refer to the chapter install plugins. and the sikulix agent must installed and running.

The following example show how to execute Windows + R shorcut and run a command.

    - name: agent
      value: agent01.sikulix
- description: Type Windows+R on keyboard 
  file: Common:actions/sikulix/type_shorcut.yml
  id: 1
   - name: key
     value: KEY_WIN
   - name: other-key
     value: r
- description: "Type text: cmd"
  file: Common:actions/sikulix/type_text.yml
  id: 1
  parent: 1
   - name: text
     value: cmd

Automation using the Web Interface

About Web Client

The web client is optional because you can do everything from the REST API of the server. But on some cases, it's more user friendly to use the web interface to manage:

  • users
  • projects
  • variables
  • and more...

Schedule a job

Go to the menu Automation > Job > Add Job

Select the your action or worflow and click on the button CREATE

Get job logs

Go to the menu Automation > Executions and display Logs

Automation using the REST API

About API

You can do everything from the REST API, below a small overview. Take a look to the swagger.

Get api secret key

Get the API secret for the user admin

extensiveautomation --generate-api-key admin
API key: admin
API secret: 6977aa6a443bd3a6033ebb52557cf90d24c79857

Schedule a job

Make a POST on /v1/jobs with basic auth to create a job wich will execute your actions or workflows.

Copy/Paste the following curl command:

curl -s --user admin:6977aa6a443bd3a6033ebb52557cf90d24c79857 \
-d '{"yaml-file": "/workflows/basic/helloworld.yml"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST | jq .

Success response:

    "cmd": "/v1/jobs",
    "message": "background", 
    "job-id": 2,
    "execution-id": "e57aaa43-325d-468d-8cac-f1dea822ef3a"

Get job logs

Make a GET on /v1/executions with basic auth to get logs generated by the job.

Copy/Paste the following curl command:

curl -s  --user admin:6977aa6a443bd3a6033ebb52557cf90d24c79857 \
"" | jq .

Success response:

    "cmd": "/v1/executions",
    "execution-id": "e57aaa43-325d-468d-8cac-f1dea822ef3a", 
    "status": "complete", 
    "verdict": "pass", 
    "logs": "10:50:10.7241 task-started
    10:50:10.7243 script-started helloworld
    10:50:10.7309 script-stopped PASS 0.007
    10:50:10.7375 task-stopped 0.006909608840942383", 
    "logs-index": 156

More security

Adding reverse proxy

Adding a reverse proxy in the front of server enables to expose only one tcp port (8080) and to have a TLS link between the client and the server. Also, the default behaviour of the QT client and toolbox is to try to connect on the tcp/8080 port with ssl (can be modifed).

If you want to install a reverse proxy, please to follow this procedure.

  1. Install the example provided scripts\reverseproxy\extensiveautomation_api.conf in your apache instance. If you install the reverse proxy on a new server, don't forget to replace the address by the ip of your extensive server.

    Listen 8080
    <VirtualHost *:8080>
      SSLEngine on
      SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
      LogLevel warn
      ErrorLog  /var/log/extensiveautomation_api_error_ssl_rp.log
      CustomLog /var/log/extensiveautomation_api_access_ssl_rp.log combined
      Redirect 307 / /rest/session/login
      ProxyPass /rest/
      ProxyPassReverse /rest/
      ProxyPass /wss/client/ ws:// disablereuse=on
      ProxyPassReverse /wss/client/ ws:// disablereuse=on
      ProxyPass /wss/agent/ ws:// disablereuse=on
      ProxyPassReverse /wss/agent/ ws:// disablereuse=on

    With this configuration in apache, the REST API is now running on the port tcp/8080 (tls).

  2. Checking if the REST api working fine with curl command.

    curl -X POST --insecure \ 
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"login": "admin", "password": "password"}'

LDAP users authentication

By default, users are authenticated locally from database (by checking hash password). This behavior can be modified by using a remote authentication server. In this mode, you always need to add users in the local database.

Follow this procedure to enable LDAP authentication:

  1. Install python dependancies with the pip command:

    python3 -m pip install ldap3
  2. Configure the settings.ini file to enable ldap authentication and other stuff

    ; enable ldap user authentication for rest api session only
    ; 0=disable 1=enable
    ; remote addresses of your ldap servers
    ; ldaps:// 
    ldap-host=[ "ldap://" ]
    ; username form
    ; uid=%%s,ou=People,dc=extensive,dc=local
    ldap-dn=[ "uid=%%s,ou=People,dc=extensive,dc=local" ]
  3. Restart the server

    cd src/
    python3 --stop
    python3 --start
  4. Check the new user authentication method

    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"login": "admin", "password": "password"}'

Migration from old version

Since version 22 of the server, a major change has been introduced on the test files. All the old tests in XML can still be used but they are obsolete. We must favor the new YAML format.

Tests convertion to YAML format

XML to YAML conversion can be done with the following command. A new YML file will be created automatically after converting the XML reading.

extensiveautomation --convert-to-yaml


This project is an effort, driven in my spare time.

Copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Denis Machard
License MIT
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