This library is still a work in progress but currently has the ability to perform all cleos get
functions without compiling the code.
The library now supports signing transactions/key creation for both python 2.7 and 3.x. This is the first iteration and is very rough. The key creation has not been tested fully and should be used at your own risk.
The cleos commands currently implemented.
Usage: /usr/local/bin/cleos get SUBCOMMAND
info Get current blockchain information
block Retrieve a full block from the blockchain
account Retrieve an account from the blockchain
code Retrieve the code and ABI for an account
abi Retrieve the ABI for an account
table Retrieve the contents of a database table
currency Retrieve information related to standard currencies
accounts Retrieve accounts associated with a public key
servants Retrieve accounts which are servants of a given account
transaction Retrieve a transaction from the blockchain
actions Retrieve all actions with specific account name referenced in authorization or receiver
newaccount Create an account, buy ram, stake for bandwidth for the account
This library is very much a work in progress.
# create virtual environment
mkdir -p ~/envs/eospy
virtualenv ~/envs/eospy
# activate the environment
source ~/envs/eospy/bin/activate
# install the library
pip install git+
Install python You can use either Python 2.7 or 3.7 however we suggest python 3.7 as we have tested that version more thoroughly. Python 2.7 Python 3.7
Install git
Install eospy
pip install git+
For a more complete list of API endpoints check out:
# Get chain information
pycleos --url get info
# get information about a block
pycleos --url get block 447
# Retrieve an account from the blockchain
pycleos --url get account --account eosio
# Retrieve the code and ABI for an account
pycleos --url get code --account eosio
# Retrieve the ABI for an account
pycleos --url get abi --account eosio
# Retrieve the contents of a database table
pycleos --url get table --code eosio --scope eosio --table producers
# Retrive currency information
pycleos --url get currency balance --code eosio.token --symbol EOS --account aaaaaaaaaaaa
pycleos --url get currency stats --code eosio.token --symbol EOS
# get accounts associated with public key
pycleos --url get accounts --key EOS52gpRqAPfggYHLXbMuC4TSQd8WWWo94KrMq4umgUcjM62Y2dWF
# get transaction information
pycleos --url get transaction --transaction 42dacd5722001b734be46a2140917e06cd21d42425f927f506c07b4388b07f62
# get account actions
pycleos --url get actions --account aaaaaaaaaaaa
Check out the examples directory for some examples of how to use the library