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- Install requirements with the following command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make sure you have Chrome installed
- Install ChromeDriver :
- Windows :
- Download Chrome WebDriver : https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
- Place the file in X:\Windows (X as your Windows disk letter)
- MacOS or Linux :
apt install chromium-chromedriver
- or if you have brew :
brew cask install chromedriver
- Windows :
- Edit the accounts.json.sample with your accounts credentials and rename it by removing .sample at the end
If you want to add more than one account, the syntax is the following :[{ "username": "Your Email", "password": "Your Password" }, { "username": "Your Email 2", "password": "Your Password 2" }]
- Run the script
- Bing searches (Desktop, Mobile and Edge) with User-Agents
- Complete automatically the daily set
- Complete automatically punch cards
- Complete automatically the others promotions
- Headless Mode
- Multi-Account Management