An Add-on to Red-Bot Utilizing the Economy Module using a Pokemon Themed Text-Based Game! We'll add more information later, right now getting everything orginized.
- Creating Template for the bot
- Import the needed modules
- Make a directory for data on users and storage
- Have the bot respond
- Check coding for no conflictions!
Generate Ideas with Team for Improvements
Contact Drew Mitchell for Sprites Use (optional)
His Webpage
GostOmega (Bot host, Experienced)
Lizzy (Server Owner)
ed-george (Experienced)
Joe5029 (Idea Creator)
Davey is the Best (Learning, Participating)
Beta release v0.5.0
- Talk to Drew Mitchell for help and access to sprites on Random Pokemon Generator
First release v1.0.0
- Bot is compatible with the Economy cog.
- Create a PokeMart and sell pokeballs.
- Create Tiers of rarities for pokemon.
- Have all the pokemon in the Kanto region catchable!
- Catch and stored into pokedex (will be used as PC)
- Complete a commands page.
- When PokeDex is completed, obtain 'Pokemon Master' tag in the server.
Second release v2.0.0
- Have a party, carrying 6 pokemon.
- Pokemon have an experience bar for evolving.
- Define a level cap on each tier.
- Can only catch first generation of pokemon, not evolved.
- add <[p]train> to train your party, each of the 6 gets random exp.
- Limit <[p]train> to prevent spam. Default is 30 minutes, Admins or Owner can change this setting.
- When <[p]pokemon register> obtain tag Trainer for pvp battles.
- Generate pvp fights, evolved tiers have higher hp and chance of win against first generation.
- Logged PokeDex = PC access for party.
- Bot announces PvP and new catches, no_pm=False on training and party commands.