The Official Bane APK.
Listenes whenerver the Android Phone launches the OnBoot Event and auto-boots the service.
The connection is always alive when the server closes the connection every 5 seconds the device checks if the server is online and tries to connect to it.
- Remote Android Shell
- Notification Bar
- And much more incoming...
- Android
- Internet Connection
Just install the application on your Android Device.
Start the application and use the Bane Terminal.
- track
- shell
- echo command doesnt work
- everything else in the commandline works
- dump
- sms
- contacts
- calls
- hidden
- sendsms
- download
- upload
- video
- record
- photo
- sysinfo
- Usage of banedroid for attacking people's without prior mutual consistency can be considered as an illegal activity. It is the final user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Authors assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
Check the License of this project to know more about!