Make sure you've already installed OPAM:
brew install opam
Now run the following to checkout the project, create an opam switch (like a sandbox so the dependencies in multiple projects don't cause havoc with one another), and install all the dependencies (this will take awhile if it's your first time, a lot to compile):
git clone
make deps
eval `opam config env`
To add opam dependencies, edit Makefile.user
under the deps
to add the opam invocation.
make clean && make && ./main.byte
make clean && make test && ./test.byte
The make file is generated via * Oasis a project management tool that wraps
- Ocamlbuild, a general app build tool that uses
- Ocamlfind, a tool used to automatically figure out module names and dependencies in a project
If you make an edit to the _oasis
file, then to get a new
, run:
oasis setup -setup-update dynamic
- Multitenant (per-user read/unread status, etc.)
- Parse RSS/Atom feeds
- Disambiguate individual posts for storage
- Mark post read/unread
- Subscribe/unsubscribe from feeds
- Worker thread to fetch global list of feeds and store them in the db
- HTML UI to read posts ** Manage feeds view ** Read posts view ** Don't show read posts older than N minutes ** Sort by newest
- UUID-based feed lists
- User-based feed lists as a stretch goal