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Google Code Exporter edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 1 revision

The DummyTagger implementation uses a part-of-speech tagger and HIVE Lucene index. The Postagger class is apparently based on an example from the Ling-Pipe project, uses the lingpipe libraries, and the "medical" POS model (medtag).

Building the LingPipe MedTag model

  • cd C:\mrc\nlp\lingpipe-4.0.1\demos\tutorial\posTags
  • ant -Ddata.pos.medpost=c:\mrc\nlp\medtag\medpost train-medpost
  • dir ....\models
01/03/2011  09:59 AM         4,974,338 pos-enbio-medpost.HiddenMarkovModel
  • The TrainPostagger class is taken directly from the lingpipe posTag tutorial.
java -cp build\classes;..\..\..\lingpipe-4.0.0.jar TrainMedPost c:\mrc\nlp\medtag\medpost myModel

DummyTagger Algorithm

From DummyTagger.extractKeyphrases

  • Write text to in-memory Lucene index (IndexWriter)
  • Generate dictionary (POS/word) using Postagger
  • Read document using Lucene IndexReader
  • Get the term frequency vector
  • Get terms and frequencies
  • Calculate probability?
  • Add term to “Documento” and “Vocabulario”
  • Add Document to Colleccio
  • Calculate vocabulary probabilities
  • Calculate collection divergences?
  • For each “document” in the Coleccio
    • For each term in document
      • If TF > 0.1 and term “isAllowed” (valid part of speech) and term length > 1
        • Add term to ranking?
    • For each term in ranking
      • Add to keywords
    • Return keywords

Postagger Performance

  • The Postagger loads the HMM for every instantiation.
  • Tokenization is slow
  • HMM.firstBest is very slow
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