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CS236 Project

A project that implements MapReduce on hotel booking data to find the most profitable month.


Christopher Moussa (Student ID 862327381)

Ramesh Subramaniam (Student ID 86322586)

Instructions for Compilation and Run

in Windows, start Hadoop in Command Prompt as an administrator:

C:\Hadoop\hadoop-3.3.0\sbin> start-all.cmd

remove any previous /input and /output directories (Hadoop will complain about this if these directories already exist):

$ hdfs dfs -rm -r /input
$ hdfs dfs -rm -r /output

compile the Java file:

$ javac -classpath $(hadoop classpath)
$ jar cf hotel-revenue.jar MapReduceHadoop*.class

place the input files in a directory with HDFS:

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /input
$ hdfs dfs -put path/to/customer-reservations.csv /path/to/hotel-booking.csv /input

submit the Hadoop job:

$ hadoop jar hotel-revenue.jar MapReduceHadoop /input/customer-reservations.csv /input/hotel-booking.csv /output

place output of the Hadoop job on local disk:

$ hdfs dfs -get /output path/to/local_disk

once you have the output file of your Hadoop job, you can sort the output by revenue (highest month/year revenue at the top) by running the Python script and passing in the output file created by Hadoop:

$ python3 path/to/output-file > sorted_output.txt

About the Code


The Java source code runs a MapReduce job on a couple of large .csv file that contain revenue data for a hotel that spans a couple of years. We do this by creating an instance of the Job class; this represents the Hadoop job that is executed by our code.

Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, "hotel-revenue");

We set our mapper, combiner, and reducer classes for the jobs. The use of the Combiner class is useful in optimizing the Hadoop job to be run; it performs a local reduce operation before sending the data to the Reducer class. It uses the intermediate key-value pairs that are output by the mapper portion of the job, which is then sent to the reducer. The benefit of this is it decreases the volume of data sent. It's important to note that it does the same things as the Reducer class, but operates within the output of each mapper.

The map() portion of MapReduceHadoop is responsible for processing the two input files containing hotel reservation data. Each line of each input file is passed in for processing [1].

We create our key in the map() function according to the arrival month and year because we want to associate revenue to a specific month and year.

String comp_key = arrival_mo + "-" + arrival_yr;

// output key

Parsing most of the data we need is pretty straightforward. Because the data is in .csv format, we can just fetch (and cast) the necessary data using an array of Strings on each line in the input files:

String[] csv_input_fields = value.toString().split(",");

Then, we can parse each field according to its index in the comma-delimited line. For the purposes of the project, we extract the following information for every line in the input files:

  • the month and year of the reservation

This will help us create our key.

  • how many nights the reservation is for
  • the average price per night per reservation

These two fields will help us calculate the cost of each reservation. In Java, we parse each field and convert it to an appropriate data type for further processing:

avg_price_per_room = Double.parseDouble(csv_input_fields[8]);
arrival_yr = Integer.parseInt(csv_input_fields[4]);
arrival_mo = Integer.parseInt(csv_input_fields[5]);
stays_in_weekend_nights = Integer.parseInt(csv_input_fields[1]);
stays_in_week_nights = Integer.parseInt(csv_input_fields[2]);

Both .csv files contain data about the status of the reservation; specifically, whether the reservation was fulfilled or not. If it was canceled, the revenue from this reservation should not be added to the total revenue for a given month/year key. So, the map () function contains a check for this field in both files, and if the reservation was canceled, it sets a a revenue for a reservation room to 0. However, the data concerning the reservation status in either input file is formatted differently, so we use separate logic to handle either case. In customer-reservations.csv, the field is a string: "Canceled" vs. "Not_Canceled":

boolean canceled = csv_input_fields[9].equals("Canceled");

In hotel-booking,csv, the field is an integer: 1 for canceled and 0 for not canceled:

boolean canceled = Integer.parseInt(csv_input_fields[1]) == 1;

Mentioned above, the data in customer-reservations.csv and hotel-booking.csv is formatted differently, so in our map() function, we need to convert some of this data so we can correctly create our keys before sending them to be reduced and have their revenue data aggregated. Specifically, the "arrival_month" field in hotel-booking.csv is written in String format, not in an integer format like customer-reservations.csv. So, the code contains a switch statement to associate each "string" month with its integer equivalent:

switch(csv_input_fields[4]) {
  case "January":
    arrival_mo = 1;

  case "February":
    arrival_mo = 2;

  case "December":
    arrival_mo = 12;

Finally, we need to calculate the total cost of each reservation. We accomplish this by adding up the total number of nights stayed (stays_in_weekend_nights + stays_in_week_nights) and multiplying it by the average price of the room (avg_price_per_room):

total_cost = total_nights * avg_price_per_room;

The mapper will output this key along with the the total cost, and this data will be sent to the reducer.

context.write(out_key, out_value);

Within the Reducer class, we pass the key-value pairs we created in map(), where the total cost of all the reservations are iterated over and applied to a total_revenue variable. This becomes the final value applied to each key containing a month/year.

The reduce() function takes each month-year composite key, and for each key, iterates over its Double values using a for-each loop [2]. They are then aggregated to a total_revenue variable. So, at the end of each loop, the key will have a sum of all revenue associated with the current key. In total, there will be a for-each loop for every month-year key created in the map() function.

for (DoubleWritable value : values) {
  total_revenue += value.get();

The key-value pairs are written to an output file where they are sorted by key:

1-2016	382496.53999999986
1-2018	293461.93999999994
10-2015	1152197.140000005
9-2018	777766.8400000002

Hadoop Job Statistics

note: these statistics are gathered from running the Hadoop job on my (Christopher's) machine.

The Hadoop job on my (Christopher) machine has a total runtime of about 18 seconds.

The following console output blocks show snapshots of the statistics reported by running the Hadoop job. Here is Hadoop reporting that the job ran successfully:

2023-06-08 10:43:57,954 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 0% reduce 0%
2023-06-08 10:44:03,046 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 50% reduce 0%
2023-06-08 10:44:04,058 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 100% reduce 0%
2023-06-08 10:44:08,105 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 100% reduce 100%
2023-06-08 10:44:08,109 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1686245305254_0002 completed successfully

File System Counters reports the following statistics about the HDFS distribution:

2023-06-08 10:44:08,160 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 55
File System Counters
    FILE: Number of bytes read=630
    FILE: Number of bytes written=798077
    FILE: Number of read operations=0
    FILE: Number of large read operations=0
    FILE: Number of write operations=0
    HDFS: Number of bytes read=8164798
    HDFS: Number of bytes written=916
    HDFS: Number of read operations=11
    HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
    HDFS: Number of write operations=2
    HDFS: Number of bytes read erasure-coded=0

The Job Counters section breaks down the time spent by the numerous map and reduce tasks:

Job Counters
    Killed map tasks=1
    Launched map tasks=2
    Launched reduce tasks=1
    Rack-local map tasks=2
    Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=3912
    Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=1969
    Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=3912
    Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=1969
    Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=3912
    Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=1969
    Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=4005888
    Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=2016256

And here are the counters for both the input and output files:

File Input Format Counters
    Bytes Read=8164570
File Output Format Counters
    Bytes Written=916

Sorting the Output of the Hadoop Job

The output file produced by the Hadoop job is helpful, but we want to sort these key-value pairs by revenue and not by key. We also might be interested in enriching the data in formats besides just by month-year. So, the repository contains another script written in Python that is responsible for sorting the key-value pairs, both in the initial format required by the project in addition to a couple of other interesting orders to attempt some extra credit. Note that redirecting the output of the Python script to a file is important if you want to keep the output of the script, i.e:

$ python3 path/to/output-file > sorted_output.txt

The script parses the output file line-by-line and creates a key-value pair for each month/year-to-revenue pair:

tmp_dict = dict(item.split('=') for item in line.split(','))

We want to insert each key-value pair into a dictionary that holds all of them (note that we clean up the value for each pair slightly by rounding to two decimal places to represent an actual currency value):

revenue_dict[i] = round(float(tmp_dict[i]), 2)

We then sort the dictionary by value:

sorted_revenue = sorted(revenue_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])

We pass in our unsorted dictionary as a list of tuples and use Python's built-in sorted() function to return a sorted list based on the key we pass in, which in this case, tells it to sort the tuples based on the value instead of the key. This creates a sorted list which is stored in sorted_revenue.

The time complexity of calling sorted() on this list of tuples is O(n log n) by using the Timsort sorting algorithm [3].

In terms of ranking the key-value pairs by their total revenue in decreasing order, the Python script also sorts the data in a couple of other potentially interesting formats:

  • ranks total revenue by "season" (aggregates all "fall" months, "winter" months, etc.)
  • ranks total revenue by "year" (also in descending order)

The following code blocks show both the required order for the project as well as some other interesting orders that are output by the Python script. We start with the required order:

8-2016: 2619095.32
7-2016: 2173409.5
9-2016: 1877089.8
6-2016: 1682397.44
8-2015: 1622785.1
5-2016: 1569233.94
9-2015: 1525256.12
10-2016: 1509066.1
4-2016: 1293336.9
3-2016: 1158918.14
10-2015: 1152197.14
7-2015: 1108981.14
11-2016: 1019546.48
12-2016: 975764.22
6-2018: 850484.1
10-2018: 829240.48
8-2018: 788780.94
12-2018: 781086.08
9-2018: 777766.84
5-2018: 753424.8
7-2018: 748720.72
4-2018: 722705.78
2-2016: 689667.68
3-2018: 651878.34
11-2018: 640184.84
12-2015: 640085.64
9-2017: 621614.08
10-2017: 615946.66
11-2015: 534079.04
2-2018: 409208.62
1-2016: 382496.54
12-2017: 317900.7
8-2017: 305291.94
1-2018: 293461.94
11-2017: 191827.48
7-2017: 38000.02

We then re-calculate and output total revenue by season (extra credit opportunity #1):

max seasonal revenue was in summer: 11937946.22

seasonal revenue rankings (descending order):
   summer - 11937946.22
   fall - 11293815.06
   spring - 6149497.9
   winter - 4489671.42

We also re-calculate and output total revenue by year (extra credit opportunity #2):

max yearly revenue was in 2016: 16950022.06

yearly revenue rankings (descending order):
   2016 - 16950022.06
   2018 - 8246943.48
   2015 - 6583384.18
   2017 - 2090580.88

We also re-calculate and output total revenue by month (extra credit opportunity #3):

max monthly revenue was in august: 5335953.3

monthly revenue rankings (descending order):
   august - 5335953.3
   september - 4801726.84
   october - 4106450.38
   july - 4069111.38
   december - 2714836.64
   june - 2532881.54
   november - 2385637.84
   may - 2322658.74
   april - 2016042.68
   march - 1810796.48
   february - 1098876.3
   january - 675958.48

The total runtime for this Python script is less than 1 second.

Roadblocks, Confusions, and Obstacles, oh my!

This was the first time I had ever worked with Hadoop, and for that reason, I faced a number of differently-sized roadblocks while coming up with the implementation for this project.

Hadoop was kind of a pain to install on my Mac computer because of some Java and JDK incompatibilities. Switching over to a Windows system and running Hadoop as an administrator helped resolve this issue. However, specifying the paths for the datanodes proved to be a much harder thing to do than I originally thought:


It is SO important when installing Hadoop to point datanodes and namenodes to the right locations. Not setting these correctly caused setting up HDFS (which I believe is needed before you can even run a Hadoop job) to repeatedly fail.

There were other, smaller, issues with setting up Hadoop, and I think one of the reasons for it is that Hadoop installation tutorials seem to look different with every tutorial blog, so I had to use a few different ones to set it up and run it correctly.

Another minor roadblock came up with testing the MapReduce code. I was never quite able to figure out how to unit test my Java code, so I found myself running Hadoop job after Hadoop job to figure out how the code was behaving. Luckily, in my case, the Hadoop job runs (on average) in less than 20 seconds, which would most likely have around the same runtime as running a number of unit tests. So, I had to just bite the bullet and live with re-compiling and re-submitting Hadoop jobs, one after the other, sometimes getting bogus results and having to "spelunk" my code manually.

Trying to understand the statistics of the Hadoop job was also a little confusing at the start. Hadoop outputs a lot of different statistics about the job it ran and some of it does not appear straightforward at the start. Here's one example:

Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=4266
Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=2078
Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=4368384
Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=2127872

These didn't make a lot of sense to me at first, but a couple of Google searches helped clear these up. This data is essentially explaining how much CPU time and memory was consumed by the mappers and reducers to perform their respective operations during execution. Using the internet to help define the various statistics about the Hadoop job helped me gain a better understanding of How Hadoop breaks down large datasets and executes them over parallel tasks in an efficient manner.

Detailed Contribution by Partner

Christopher Moussa

  • set up GitHub repository for project
  • wrote MapReduce Java code
  • wrote data output sorting Python code
  • created project README and project description
  • created high-level diagram for both MapReduce job and project workflow (linked in repository and in README)

Ramesh Subramaniam

  • helped design MapReduce Java class
  • performed code review on and
  • prepared project presentation and demo


[1]: MapReduce Description

[2]: DoubleWritable Java Class

[3]: Timsort Algorithm


A repository to store the required contents for our CS236 project






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