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Official repository for all buidl wallet contracts


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Official repository for all smart wallet contracts used by Circle web3 API/SDK.

This repository includes support for both the Hardhat and Foundry frameworks. Going forward, all new code / tests / scripts should be built on Foundry. Hardhat is currently only included for legacy contracts in the following folders:

  • src/account/v1
  • src/paymaster/v1/permissioned


  1. Run git submodule update --init --recursive to update/download all libraries.
  2. Run yarn install to install any additional dependencies.
  3. Run curl -L | bash and follow the outputted instructions to source env file.
  4. Run foundryup
  5. Create a .env file and provide the required API keys, wallets (can be generated for deployment), and configuration values. You can look at the .env.example for reference.



Run yarn lint to lint all .sol files in the src and test directories.


To run tests using Foundry, follow the steps below:

  1. Run yarn build
  2. Run yarn test

Test Coverage

To generate a viewable test coverage report, run:

  • brew install lcov if not yet installed
  • forge coverage --ir-minimum --report lcov && genhtml -o report --branch-coverage && open report/index.html (Note: some contracts like WeightedMultisigPlugin require using --ir-minimum because of stack depth. To build coverage faster locally, comment out this and dependent contracts and omit --ir-minimum flag.)

Continuous Integration

We use Github actions to run linter and all the tests. The workflow configuration can be found in .github/workflows/ci.yml


We are using Conventional Commit structure to automatically generate releases.

Export Interface

To export contract bytecode & ABI for programmable wallet:

  1. Execute forge build src/msca/6900/v0.7 --force --extra-output-files abi evm. Replace v0.7 with v0.8 if you want v0.8.
  2. Execute make abigen
  3. Interface files will appear under abigen folder
  4. After changes are merged, release new repository tag
  5. update buidl-wallet-contracts go mod version of programmable-wallet, and import bytecode from abigen folder

For running integration tests in Anvil node, run make anvil-tests. This runs the python tests in test/anvil

Gas Report

Function report

  • Run yarn build
  • Run yarn gasreport

E2E gas benchmarking

  • anvil

  • update .env (pointing to local) and source .env

  • deploy (only choose the account type you're interested in benchmarking)

    • forge script script/<SCRIPT_NAME> --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv --slow --watch

      Example: forge script script/001_DeployPluginManager.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv --slow --watch

  • cast code $address

On-chain Deployment & Verification

Start a Local Network (optional, for testing)

npx hardhat node (if using hardhat stack)

make anvil (if using foundry stack). To get a list of pre-funded addresses, you can look at the beginning of the logs in the anvil Docker container, or reference

Deploy & Verify

SCA and Paymaster

  1. Deployment
    • Run the command env $(grep -v '^#' .env) yarn hardhat deploy --network <chain> where <chain> is one of {mumbai, goerli}.

      If you only want to deploy a specific set of smart contracts, you can add the --tags flag, for example: env $(grep -v '^#' .env) yarn hardhat deploy --tags SponsorPaymaster --network goerli

  2. Verification
    • ECDSA wallet factory env $(grep -v '^#' .env) npx hardhat verify --network mumbai --constructor-args script/ecdsa_account_factory_constructor_args.js ECDSA_ACCOUNT_FACTORY_ADDRESS

    • Sponsor paymaster env $(grep -v '^#' .env) npx hardhat verify --network goerli --constructor-args script/sponsor_paymaster_constructor_args.js STABLECOIN_PAYMASTER_ADDRESS

    • Fallback: If the verification commands do not work for contracts deployed through the hardhat deployment scripts, you can still verify manually through etherscan's UI by submitting the standard input json.

      You can find this file under deployments/polygon/solcInputs (you can try different blockchain but I'm unsure of results). Then submit the file that you think is the one for the contract your trying to verify. It's a bit of guessing, but you can look at the source code to try and figure it out. You may also need to verify the proxies manually through etherscan after having verified the implementation.



  2. Run source .env

  3. Run the desired numbered scripts inside the script/ folder using the below command format. Make sure any environment variable values from previous steps are updated if needed as you progress through the scripts.

    • forge script script/<SCRIPT_NAME> --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

      Example: forge script script/001_DeployPluginManager.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

    Tip: before executing the above command, verify the simulation works as expected by running the above command without the --broadcast and --verify flags. This way, you can also make sure your address will have enough tokens to cover the transaction fee estimated in the simulation.

    Note: if you are deploying on a local network, don't use the --verify flag.

  4. Include the relevant logs from the broadcast folder in your commit.

    Tip: if you did multiple runs, search the appropriate block explorer for the tx hash corresponding the desired contract's deployment, and then search the logs for the transaction hash.

    Tip: logs are organized by chain ID in the lower levels in the broadcast folder. Use to lookup IDs of common chains.

  5. Create or update the corresponding file in the script/cmd folder using the creation bytecode of the contract from the logs. See the below "Chain Expansion" section for details on how to format of the files in the script/cmd folder.

  6. Verify in block explorer like etherscan using standard input json

    • Create the standard input json: run the beoow command

      forge verify-contract <contract_address> <relative_path_to_source:classname> --show-standard-json-input > <script/verify/<filename>
      # Example
      forge verify-contract 0x03431fb00fb2e26b5bc502dfef8da30e1c8643b8 src/msca/6900/v0.7/plugins/v1_0_0/utility/DefaultTokenCallbackPlugin.sol:DefaultTokenCallbackPlugin --show-standard-json-input > script/verify/DefaultTokenCallbackPlugin.json
    • Verify and publish in block explorer (etherscan example)

      • Compiler type: Solidity (Standard-Json-Input)

      • Compiler version: v0.8.24

      • License: Option 5 in

      • Upload the JSON file

      • If the contract you are verifying took constructor arguments, input the output of the below command with the 0x prefix removed into the "Constructor Arguments ABI-encoded" section:

        cast abi-encode "constructor(<arg type 1>, <arg type 2>, ...)" "arg1Val" "arg2Val"
        # Example
        cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address,uint256)" "0x0166EA90E565476f13c6a0D25ED2C35599E58785" "0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032" 18
      • Click verify and publish

Deployment Metadata

The below contract deployment are based on abi and bytecode to ensure the same address across all EVM-compatible chains. The abi and bytecode for each of the contracts is available at the below locations. These files were generated from first deployments, will all fields except abi and bytecode removed.

Contract Name Location
ECDSAAcountFactory deploy/metadata/ECDSAAccountFactory.json
SponsorPaymaster_Implementation deploy/metadata/SponsorPaymaster_Implementation.json
SponsorPaymaster_Proxy deploy/metadata/SponsorPaymaster_Proxy.json

Chain Expansion

To ensure consistent deployment of contracts across chains, we store the cast send deployment commands for contracts in the script/cmd folder. To deploy these contracts, simply run the command inside the file corresponding to that contract on the command line.

To build the cast send deployment command for a contract:

  1. Run the Solidity deployment script for the contract in the script/* folder:

  2. Find the deployment result in broadcast/*

  3. Looking for “transactions” -> ”transaction” → “data” in run-*.json

  4. Copy the "data" in step 2 without "0x" prefix.

  5. Add cast send --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY 0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in front of the bytecode from previous step (no space)

    Refer to the note after these steps, you may not need the 0x0... prefix. The 0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C is foundry's default create2 address deployer. See

  6. Run the command in step5 in Terminal.

  7. Save this command to script/cmd folder with <script_name>

  8. Create the README under broadcast folder for the chain id. For example, see broadcast/011_DeployTokenCallbackPlugin.s.sol/11155111/

Note: The "data" field may be called "input". Additionally, if the input/data field already contains the leading 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 prefix, simply copy this value over directly (no need to re-add the zeros prefix).


1. make: *** [test] Error 137

If you encountered this error after executing make test, try increasing memory resource for docker engine.

2. Encounter ERROR: failed to solve: operating system is not supported when executing make build

If you are using macbook with M1 or newer chips, try enabling Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon under Features in development in Docker settings.

3. Docker container foundry:latest not found

As an alternative to the above, if you are using macbook with M1 or newer chips, try adding the --platform=linux/amd64 flag to the build Make command. If you encounter this error while running make anvil, make sure to run make before.

4. API key errors when running deploy scripts on a local blockchain

When deploying contract deployment scripts from the /script folder on a local chain (started up using make anvil), you can remove the --verify flag if you are getting errors related to the API key, such as Missing etherscan key for chain 31337.

5. failed to read artifact source file for ...

Run forge clean && forge build.