An internationalized GraphQL Apollo-based application, built on top of the Apollo Starter Kit by Saikat. View the demo. Versioning corresponds to the version of Apollo Server being used, currently 0.3.2
- react-intl Read the wiki for a deeper understanding of the library
- react-intl-redux
- Checks language server side via url query parameter for bookmarking ability.
- graphiql allows you to play with the mocks used in this app.
- Use casual for mock data:
npm install casual
- App uses the Apollo Client (built with redux) for data-batching and normalization.
- Remove react-intl plugin from babelrc before deploying to heroku (message directories used in development only)
- Change DEV_APP_PORT in server.js to PORT before deploying to heroku.
- React for frontend development
- GraphQL for backend API
- Apollo for backend/frontend data flow management
- Redux for frontend data management. Apollo integrates with Redux.
- React-router for clientside routing
- Aphrodite for styling
- Express for the server
- Webpack for development server + hot reloading clientside stuff
- Nodemon for hot reloading backend code
- Minilog for client and server logging
- Node-foreman for running both the Webpack server and Express server
- ESLint to keep your Javascript style consistent
- Babel to use the latest Javascript language features
- Automatic asset versioning so that you can aggressively cache your assets in production
- Server side rendering out of the box
- Custom Apollo network interface that lets you add middleware to handle responses from GraphQL. This would be a good place to put any error handling that you want to do globally (e.g. unexpected errors from GraphQL, user authorization or authentication errors, etc.).
- Error handling by Rollbar has been removed in this version, due to fs module not found error.
- Install Node.js.
- Clone this starter kit
- Change the git remote to point to your new project's repo with
git remote set-url origin <new-url>
- Change the README and update
to reflect the new package name, package license, description, keywords, repository, bugs url, homepage, and author. - Set up an ESLint plugin in your code editor so that you catch coding errors and follow code style guidelines more easily!
- Install the redux-devtools-extension in Chrome to get advanced Redux debugging features.
npm install
npm run dev
- Navigate to
to see your app in action. - Navigate to
to mess around with the GraphQL API. - Start making changes by working in the
directory - Deploy your app to Heroku. Make sure to set the correct environment variables there based on what exists in
in this project!