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ed: allow repeated search with // and ?? #1072

ed: allow repeated search with // and ??

ed: allow repeated search with // and ?? #1072

Workflow file for this run

# brian's standard GitHub Actions Ubuntu config for Perl 5 modules
# version 20240923.001
# This file is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0
# This uses the AUTOMATED_TESTING environment that you can set up
# in your repo settings. Or not. It still works if it isn't defined.
# In that environment, add whatever environment variables or secrets
# that you want.
name: ubuntu
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
- '**'
- '!**appveyor**'
- '!**circleci**'
- '!**macos**'
- '!**notest**'
- '!**release**'
- '!**windows**'
# I tag release pushes but those should have already been tested
- 'release-*'
# list all the files which are irrelevant to the tests
# non-code, support files, docs, etc
- '.appveyor.yml'
- '.circleci'
- '.gitattributes'
- '.github/workflows/macos.yml'
- '.github/workflows/release.yml'
- '.github/workflows/windows.yml'
- '.gitignore'
- '.releaserc'
- 'Changes'
- 'README.pod'
# weekly build on the master branch just to see what CPAN is doing
- cron: "37 3 * * 0"
environment: automated_testing
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- ubuntu-22.04
- '5.8-buster'
- '5.10-buster'
- '5.12-buster'
- '5.14-buster'
- '5.16-buster'
- '5.18-buster'
- '5.20-buster'
- '5.22-buster'
- '5.24-buster'
- '5.26-buster'
- '5.28-buster'
- '5.30-bullseye'
- '5.32-bullseye'
- '5.34-bullseye'
- '5.36-bookworm'
- '5.38-bookworm'
- 'latest'
image: perl:${{ matrix.perl-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Platform check
run: uname -a
- name: Perl version check
run: |
perl -V
perl -v | perl -0777 -ne 'm/(v5\.\d+)/ && print "PERL_VERSION=$1"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Some older versions of Perl have trouble with hostnames in certs. I
# haven't figured out why.
- name: Setup environment
run: |
# HTML::Tagset bumped its minimum version to v5.10 for no good reason
# but this is a prereq to LWP, which runs on v5.8. To get around this,
# download the tarball and fix it for v5.8. Install it before we try
# to install things that depend on it. More recent versions will
# install it normally.
# 1. remove the META files which have references to v5.10 and ignore
# the warnings
# 2. fix Makefile.PL to remove two references to v5.10
- name: fix html-tagset for v5.8
if: env.PERL_VERSION == 'v5.8'
run: |
curl -L -O
tar -xzf HTML-Tagset-3.24.tar.gz
cd HTML-Tagset-3.24
rm META.*
mv Makefile.PL Makefile.PL.orig
perl -n -e 'next if /(^use 5)|(MIN_PERL)/; print' Makefile.PL.orig > Makefile.PL
cpan -T .
cd ..
# I had some problems with openssl on Ubuntu, so I punted by installing
# cpanm first, which is easy. I can install IO::Socket::SSL with that,
# then switch back to cpan. I didn't explore this further, but what you
# see here hasn't caused problems for me.
# Need HTTP::Tiny 0.055 or later.
- name: Install cpanm and multiple modules
run: |
curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
cpanm --notest IO::Socket::SSL LWP::Protocol::https App::Cpan HTTP::Tiny ExtUtils::MakeMaker Test::Manifest Test::More
# Install the dependencies, again not testing them. This installs the
# module in the current directory, so we end up installing the module,
# but that's not a big deal.
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
cpanm --notest --installdeps --with-suggests --with-recommends .
- name: Show cpanm failures
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: |
cat /github/home/.cpanm/work/*/build.log
- name: Run tests
run: |
perl Makefile.PL
make test
# Run author tests, but only if there's an xt/ directory
- name: Author tests
if: hashFiles('xt') != ''
run: |
cpanm --notest Test::CPAN::Changes
prove -r -b xt
# Running tests in parallel should be faster, but it's also more
# tricky in cases where different tests share a feature, such as a
# file they want to write to. Parallel tests can stomp on each other.
# Test in parallel to catch that, because other people will test your
# stuff in parallel.
- name: Run tests in parallel
run: |
perl Makefile.PL
HARNESS_OPTIONS=j10 make test
# The disttest target creates the distribution, unwraps it, changes
# into the dist dir, then runs the tests there. That checks that
# everything that should be in the dist is in the dist. If you forget
# to update MANIFEST with new modules, data files, and so on, you
# should notice the error.
- name: Run distribution tests
run: |
perl Makefile.PL
make disttest
make clean
# And, coverage reports, but only under 5.12 and later since modern
# Devel::Cover instances don't work with earlier versions as of
# Devel::Cover 1.39
- name: Run coverage tests
if: env.PERL_VERSION != 'v5.8' && env.PERL_VERSION != 'v5.10'
run: |
cpanm --notest Devel::Cover Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls
perl Makefile.PL
cover -test -report coveralls