This library allows you to connect to a Couchbase cluster from PHP. It is a native PHP extension and uses the very fast libcouchbase library to handle communicating to the cluster over the Couchbase binary protocol.
Source -
Bug Tracker -
Couchbase PHP Community -
This iteration of the Couchbase PHP client is not currently available via PECL, and as such must be compiled manually in order to be used. The extension will become available via PECL once it leaves the DP phase. Until then, you may install by downloading a prebuilt binary of the DP available on for the Windows platform, or by checking out the repository and building it directly:
./configure --enable-couchbase
make && make install
Connecting to a Couchbase bucket is as simple as creating a new Connection instance. Once you are connect, you may execute any of Couchbases' numerous operations against this connection.
Here is a simple example of instantiating a connection, setting a new document into the bucket and then retrieving its contents:
$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster('');
$db = $cluster->openBucket('default');
$db->upsert('testdoc', array('name'=>'Frank'));
$res = $db->get('testdoc');
// array(1) {
// ["name"]=>
// string(5) "Frank"
// }
An extensive documentation is available on the Couchbase website. Visit our PHP Community on the Couchbase website for the documentation as well as numerous examples and samples.
The source code is available at
To execute our test suite, simply install and execute phpunit against your checked out source code.
Copyright 2013 Couchbase Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See LICENSE for further details.