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vocatus authored Apr 3, 2017
1 parent 9d9f4b2 commit 091ba61
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 45 deletions.
89 changes: 44 additions & 45 deletions tron.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ SETLOCAL
color 0f
set SCRIPT_DATE=2017-03-07
set SCRIPT_DATE=2017-04-02

:: Get in the correct drive (~d0) and path (~dp0). Sometimes needed when run from a network or thumb drive.
:: We stay in the \resources directory for the rest of the script
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ if /i %RESUME_DETECTED%==yes (
if /i %RESUME_DETECTED%==yes call :parse_cmdline_args %RESUME_FLAGS%
if /i %RESUME_DETECTED%==yes (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Incomplete run detected. Resuming at %RESUME_STAGE% using flags %RESUME_FLAGS%..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Incomplete run detected. Resuming at %RESUME_STAGE% using flags %RESUME_FLAGS%..."
REM Reset the RunOnce flag in case we get interrupted again. Disabled for now, just to prevent resume-looping where we keep trying to resume
REM even if a reboot didn't happen
REM reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /f /v "tron_resume" /t REG_SZ /d "%~dp0tron.bat %-resume" >NUL
Expand All @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ if /i %RESUME_DETECTED%==yes (
:: INTERNAL PREP: Check for active network connection
%WinDir%\system32\ipconfig /all | %FIND% /i "Subnet Mask" >NUL 2>&1
if /i not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Tron doesn't think we have a network connection. Skipping update checks."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Tron doesn't think we have a network connection. Skipping update checks."
set WARNINGS_DETECTED=yes_check_update_skipped
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,13 +497,13 @@ if /i %RESUME_DETECTED%==no (

:: If verbose (-v) was used, notify that we expanded the scrollback buffer
if /i %VERBOSE%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! VERBOSE (-v) output requested. All commands will display verbose output when possible."
if /i %VERBOSE%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Expanded the scrollback buffer to accomodate increased output."
if /i %VERBOSE%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat "! VERBOSE (-v) output requested. All commands will display verbose output when possible."
if /i %VERBOSE%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Expanded the scrollback buffer to accomodate increased output."

:: INTERNAL PREP: Tell us if the update check failed or was skipped
if %WARNINGS_DETECTED%==yes_check_update_failed call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! WARNING: Tron update check failed."
if %WARNINGS_DETECTED%==yes_check_update_skipped call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! NOTE: Tron doesn't think the system has a network connection. Update checks were skipped."
if %WARNINGS_DETECTED%==yes_check_update_failed call functions\log_with_date.bat "! WARNING: Tron update check failed."
if %WARNINGS_DETECTED%==yes_check_update_skipped call functions\log_with_date.bat "! NOTE: Tron doesn't think the system has a network connection. Update checks were skipped."

:: PREP: Run a quick SMART check and notify if there are any drives with problems
Expand All @@ -522,10 +522,10 @@ for /f %%i in ('%WMIC% diskdrive get status') do echo %%i|%FINDSTR% /i "%WARNING
if /i "%SAFE_MODE%"=="yes" (
if %WIN_VER_NUM% geq 6.0 (
title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_0_prep] [safeboot]
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Setting system to always boot to Safe Mode w/ Networking..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Will re-enable regular boot when Tron is finished."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Setting system to always boot to Safe Mode w/ Networking..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Will re-enable regular boot when Tron is finished."
if /i %DRY_RUN%==no bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network >> "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%"
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_2_de-bloat]
if /i %SKIP_DEBLOAT%==no (
call stage_2_de-bloat\stage_2_de-bloat.bat
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! SKIP_DEBLOAT (-sdb) set, skipping Stage 2..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! SKIP_DEBLOAT (-sdb) set, skipping Stage 2..."

Expand All @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_3_disinfect]
call stage_3_disinfect\stage_3_disinfect.bat
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! SKIP_ANTIVIRUS_SCANS (-sa) set. Skipping Stage 3 (Sophos, KVRT, MBAM)."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! SKIP_ANTIVIRUS_SCANS (-sa) set. Skipping Stage 3 (Sophos, KVRT, MBAM)."

:: Since this whole section takes a long time to run, set the date again in case we crossed over midnight during the scans
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,28 +631,28 @@ call stage_6_optimize\stage_6_optimize.bat
:: Stamp current stage so we can resume if we get interrupted by a reboot
echo stage_7_wrap-up>tron_stage.txt
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_7_wrap-up begin..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_7_wrap-up begin..."

:: JOB: Reset power settings to Windows defaults
title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_7_wrap-up] [Reset power settings]
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! PRESERVE_POWER_SCHEME (-p) set to "%PRESERVE_POWER_SCHEME%", skipping power settings reset."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! PRESERVE_POWER_SCHEME (-p) set to "%PRESERVE_POWER_SCHEME%", skipping power settings reset."
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Resetting Windows power settings to defaults and re-enabling screensaver..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Resetting Windows power settings to defaults and re-enabling screensaver..."
if %DRY_RUN%==no (
REM Check for Windows XP/2k3
if %WIN_VER_NUM% lss 6.0 %WINDIR%\system32\powercfg.exe /RestoreDefaultPolicies >NUL 2>&1
REM Run commands for all other versions of Windows
%WINDIR%\system32\powercfg.exe -restoredefaultschemes >NUL 2>&1
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."

:: JOB: Get post-Tron system state (installed programs, complete file list) and generate the summary logs
title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_7_wrap-up] [Generate Summary Logs]
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Calculating post-run results for summary logs..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Calculating post-run results for summary logs..."
if /i %DRY_RUN%==no (
:: Get list of installed programs
stage_0_prep\log_tools\siv\siv32x.exe -save=[software]="%RAW_LOGS%\installed-programs-after.txt"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,12 +688,12 @@ if /i %DRY_RUN%==no (
del /f /q %RAW_LOGS%\before*txt 2>NUL
del /f /q %RAW_LOGS%\after*txt 2>NUL
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done. Summary logs are at "%SUMMARY_LOGS%\""
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done. Summary logs are at "%SUMMARY_LOGS%\""

:: JOB: Collect misc logs and deposit them in the log folder
title Tron v%TRON_VERSION% [stage_7_wrap-up] [Collect logs]
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Saving misc logs to "%RAW_LOGS%\"..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Saving misc logs to "%RAW_LOGS%\"..."
if /i %DRY_RUN%==no (
if exist "%ProgramData%\Sophos\Sophos Virus Removal Tool\Logs" copy /Y "%ProgramData%\Sophos\Sophos Virus Removal Tool\Logs\*.l*" "%RAW_LOGS%" >NUL
if exist "%ProgramData%\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs" copy /Y "%ProgramData%\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs\*.xml" "%RAW_LOGS%" >NUL
Expand All @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ if /i %DRY_RUN%==no (
if exist "%LOGPATH%\protection-log*" move /y "%LOGPATH%\protection-log*" "%RAW_LOGS%\"
if exist "%LOGPATH%\jre*" move /y "%LOGPATH%\jre*" "%RAW_LOGS%\"
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."

:: JOB: Create post-run Restore Point
Expand All @@ -712,11 +712,11 @@ if %WIN_VER_NUM% geq 6.0 (
if %WIN_VER_NUM% geq 6.2 reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" /t reg_dword /v SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency /d 0 /f >nul 2>&1
REM Create the restore point
echo "%WIN_VER%" | %FINDSTR% /i /c:"server" >NUL || (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Creating post-run Restore Point..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Creating post-run Restore Point..."
if /i %DRY_RUN%==no powershell "Checkpoint-Computer -Description 'TRON v%TRON_VERSION%: Post-run checkpoint' | Out-Null" >> "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%" 2>&1
call functions\log_with_date.bat " OK."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " OK."

:: JOB: Calculate saved disk space
Expand All @@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %SystemDrive% ^| %FIN
set /A FREE_SPACE_AFTER=%bytes:~0,-3%/1024*1000/1024

call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_7_wrap-up complete."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_7_wrap-up complete."

Expand All @@ -739,18 +739,18 @@ call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_7_wrap-up complete."
:: Stamp current stage so we can resume if we get interrupted by a reboot
echo stage_8_custom_scripts>tron_stage.txt
if /i %SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS%==yes (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS (-scs) set to "%SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS%", skipping..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS (-scs) set to "%SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS%", skipping..."
) else (
if exist stage_8_custom_scripts\*.bat (
echo stage_8_custom_scripts>tron_stage.txt
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Custom scripts detected, executing now..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_8_custom_scripts begin..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Custom scripts detected, executing now..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_8_custom_scripts begin..."
if %DRY_RUN%==no for %%i in (stage_8_custom_scripts\*.bat) do (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Executing %%i..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Executing %%i..."
call %%i
call functions\log_with_date.bat " %%i done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " %%i done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_8_custom_scripts complete."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " stage_8_custom_scripts complete."

Expand All @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ if /i %SKIP_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS%==yes (
:: Post-run Cleanup ::
:: JOB: Remove resume-related files, registry entry, boot flag, and other misc files
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Doing miscellaneous clean up..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Doing miscellaneous clean up..."
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /f /v "tron_resume" >nul 2>&1
del /f /q tron_flags.txt >nul 2>&1
del /f /q tron_stage.txt >nul 2>&1
Expand All @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ call functions\log_with_date.bat " Doing miscellaneous clean up..."
bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot >nul 2>&1
del /f /q "%TEMP%\tron_smart_results.txt" 2>NUL
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."

:: JOB: Shut down Caffeine which has kept the system awake during the Tron run
Expand All @@ -779,33 +779,32 @@ stage_0_prep\caffeine\caffeine.exe -appexit

:: Notify of Tron completion
call functions\log_with_date.bat " TRON RUN COMPLETE."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Use \tron\resources\stage_9_manual_tools if further action is required."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " TRON RUN COMPLETE. Use \tron\resources\stage_9_manual_tools if further action is required."

:: Check if auto-reboot was requested
if "%AUTO_REBOOT_DELAY%"=="0" (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Auto-reboot (-r) not selected. Reboot as soon as possible."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Auto-reboot (-r) not selected. Reboot as soon as possible."
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Auto-reboot selected. Rebooting in %AUTO_REBOOT_DELAY% seconds."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Auto-reboot selected. Rebooting in %AUTO_REBOOT_DELAY% seconds."

:: Check if shutdown was requested
if /i %AUTO_SHUTDOWN%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Auto-shutdown selected. Shutting down in %AUTO_REBOOT_DELAY% seconds."
if /i %AUTO_SHUTDOWN%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Auto-shutdown selected. Shutting down in %AUTO_REBOOT_DELAY% seconds."

:: Notify that we're going to email the log file
if /i %EMAIL_REPORT%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Email report requested. Will email logs in a few moments."
if /i %EMAIL_REPORT%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Email report requested. Will email logs in a few moments."

:: Upload logs if the switch was used
if /i %UPLOAD_DEBUG_LOGS%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Debug log upload enabled (thank-you!). Will upload logs in a few moments."
if /i %UPLOAD_DEBUG_LOGS%==yes call functions\log_with_date.bat " Debug log upload enabled (thank-you!). Will upload logs in a few moments."

:: Check if self-destruct was set
if /i %SELF_DESTRUCT%==yes (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! Self-destruct selected. De-rezzing self. Goodbye..."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! Self-destruct selected. De-rezzing self. Goodbye..."

Expand All @@ -814,12 +813,12 @@ color 2f
:: Were warnings detected?
if /i not %WARNINGS_DETECTED%==no (
color e0
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! WARNINGS were detected (%WARNINGS_DETECTED%). Recommend reviewing the log file."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! WARNINGS were detected (%WARNINGS_DETECTED%). Recommend reviewing the log file."
:: Were errors detected?
if /i not %ERRORS_DETECTED%==no (
color cf
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ! ERRORS were detected (%ERRORS_DETECTED%). Review the log file."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "! ERRORS were detected (%ERRORS_DETECTED%). Review the log file."

:: Display and log the job summary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,9 +848,9 @@ if /i %EMAIL_REPORT%==yes (
stage_7_wrap-up\email_report\SwithMail.exe /s /x "stage_7_wrap-up\email_report\SwithMailSettings.xml" /l "%RAW_LOGS%\swithmail.log" /a "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%|%SUMMARY_LOGS%\tron_removed_files.txt|%SUMMARY_LOGS%\tron_removed_programs.txt" /p1 "Tron v%TRON_VERSION% (%TRON_DATE%) executed as %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /p2 "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%" /p3 "%SAFE_MODE% %SAFEBOOT_OPTION%" /p4 "%FREE_SPACE_BEFORE%/%FREE_SPACE_AFTER%/%FREE_SPACE_SAVED%" /p5 "%CLI_ARGUMENTS%"

if !ERRORLEVEL!==0 (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ^! Something went wrong, email may not have gone out. Check your settings."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "^! Something went wrong, email may not have gone out. Check your settings."
Expand All @@ -865,9 +864,9 @@ if /i %UPLOAD_DEBUG_LOGS%==yes (
stage_7_wrap-up\email_report\SwithMail.exe /s /x "stage_7_wrap-up\email_report\debug_log_upload_settings.xml" /l "%userprofile%\desktop\swithmail.log" /a "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%|%RAW_LOGS%\GUID_dump_%COMPUTERNAME%_%CUR_DATE%.txt|%RAW_LOGS%\PendingFileRenameOperations_%COMPUTERNAME%_%CUR_DATE%.txt" /p1 "Tron v%TRON_VERSION% (%TRON_DATE%) executed as %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /p2 "%LOGPATH%\%LOGFILE%" /p3 "%SAFE_MODE% %SAFEBOOT_OPTION%" /p4 "%FREE_SPACE_BEFORE%/%FREE_SPACE_AFTER%/%FREE_SPACE_SAVED%" /p5 "%CLI_ARGUMENTS%"

if !ERRORLEVEL!==0 (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
call functions\log_with_date.bat " Done."
) else (
call functions\log_with_date.bat " ^! Something went wrong, logs may not have uploaded. Please notify Vocatus."
call functions\log_with_date.bat "^! Something went wrong, logs may not have uploaded. Please notify Vocatus."
Expand Down

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