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Security Application for K8. Collect, monitor, graph and alert on events from your Kubernetes clusters


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Table of Contents

  1. What is KubeGaze?
  2. Use Case
  3. How it Works
  4. Getting Started
Stream and filter events
High level dashboards
Create custom/dynamic alerts
View alerts for your k8 events

What is KubeGaze

KubeGaze is a security monitoring tool for Kubernetes clusters. At a high level, it consumes events from your cluster and allows you to write rules/alerts that trigger on specific events. For example, if someone tries to deploy a container running as root or pulling a image from a unauthorized registry, you can trigger on that. The beauty of KubeGaze is that the rule engine is just very basic Python code. No need to learn another language. Also, KubeGaze has an agent/server model so it can support any number of clusters.

Use Case

The most popular use case is likely a security monitoring (CSIRT) team that wants to monitor all of their Kubernetes clusters at scale. You can organize all your rules in a single place and create basic or complex rules.

How it Works

KubeGaze supports an agent/server model. You install the agent (which is just a K8 Admission Webhook) in your cluster and the server portion can be deployed anywhere. Once the webhook is installed, it forwards events from the Kubernetes API server to the server portion. This allows you to deploy it anywhere and consolidate events from all of your clusters.

Getting Started

Pre-reqs - Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster running and docker installed on your local machine. We are going to deploy the webhook and the server portion will be installed locally
root@alf:~/kubegaze# microk8s.kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22+", GitVersion:"v1.22.5-3+b58e143d1dbf57", GitCommit:"b58e143d1dbf57f62d11660e24ddcd7f56e5abf3", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-01-18T14:55:25Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.13", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22+", GitVersion:"v1.22.5-3+b58e143d1dbf57", GitCommit:"b58e143d1dbf57f62d11660e24ddcd7f56e5abf3", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-01-18T14:53:07Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.13", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Warning: The installation guide below is for a quick set up in Development. The default certs/secrets used within the files should not be used in production and TLS cert validation should be enabled
Install the server
  1. Clone the repo
  2. Navigate to the kubegaze/ui folder
  3. Update the UI_HOST value in the file docker-compose.yml here to your server address
  4. Run: docker-compose up -d postgres_db && sleep 10 && docker-compose up -d kubegaze_ui kubegaze_poller to install the server components
  5. After a few seconds, open your browser to https://your-ip and the default username:password is
  6. At this point, you should be logged into the server component
  7. Navigate to the Clusters tab and click the first cluster's edit button. Click Generate Token and then the button Generate. The token should populate, save this for the agent below in the following steps.
Install the agent (webhook container)
  1. Clone the repo (if you havent already)
  2. Navigate to the kubegaze folder (top level directory)
  3. Update the SERVER_URL value in the file config/deployment.yaml here to your server address
  4. Update the TOKEN value right below it here. The token is generated in the Install the server section (step 7 above)
  5. (Back in top level directory) Create secret: kubectl --namespace=webhook create secret tls webhook-certs --cert=keys/server.crt --key=keys/server.key
  6. Apply the webhook deployment (check logs of the deployed pod for errors): kubectl apply -f config/deployment.yaml
  7. Apply the webhook configuration: kubectl apply -f config/validate.yaml

If all goes smoothly, you can head back to the Events page in the server portion and you should see events flowing in.

Getting the cluster started

sudo snap install microk8s --classic sudo microk8s.status --wait-ready sudo microk8s.config sudo microk8s.kubectl cluster-info sudo microk8s.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Starting deployment

  • invoke generate_keys webhook webhook
  • copy cert to config/validate.yml file
  • microk8s.kubectl --namespace=webhook create secret tls webhook-certs --cert=keys/server.crt --key=keys/server.key
  • microk8s.kubectl apply -f config/deployment.yaml
  • microk8s.kubectl apply -f config/validate.yaml


microk8s.kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations  
microk8s.kubectl delete validating-webhook  
microk8s.kubectl delete secret webhook-certs -n webhook  
microk8s.kubectl delete deployments webhook -n webhook  
microk8s.kubectl exec --stdin --tty webhook-8647f75dd6-gprxb -n webhook -- bash  
invoke generate_keys webhook webhook  
openssl x509 -text -noout -in keys/server.crt  
microk8s.kubectl delete pod nginx --grace-period=0 --force  
microk8s.kubectl logs webhook-7b49f7f5b-xkkgm -n webhook -f  
Check admission compat
microk8s.kubectl api-versions | grep admissionregistration


Security Application for K8. Collect, monitor, graph and alert on events from your Kubernetes clusters








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