PHP class for full AJAX CRUD operations (using phpActiveRecord ORM) based on jQuery-BootGrid (by rstaib) and Bootstrap3.
Simple usage:
Setup connection (connection.php)
$db_host = "";
$db_user = "root";
$db_pass = "";
$db_name = "mysql";
Controller file (on top of index.php in this example):
//create object model
$model = new User();
//set field search (mandatory)
//set primary key field, readOnly (optional, otherwise firstField will considered as PK by default)
//set fields options (labels, required): to make a field required in edit/create form, just add '*' at the end of the label
$model->setLabels(array('id' => 'N°', 'user_name' => 'Login', 'password')); //<-- optionals
//create object model
$user = $model->insert($_POST); //you have to check $_POST first
$user->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- It uses PHP-ActiveRecord ORM for CRUD operations
- It parses $_POST and map values to corresponding fields
- It allows post-operations before save an update/insert operation
- It doesn't requires any php framework, you can however plug it in your controller.
- It assumes you have a read-only PK in your table
- It requires to set a field to search (via setSearchField())
- Although it uses an ORM it doesn't provide any special protection against injections.
jQuery-BootGrid by Rafael Staib
This is a basic example to provide an easy quick full Ajax CRUD operations (scaffolding like) using php-activerecord orm desingned for jquery-bootgrid, it's not ready for production use.
Feel free to fork/push requests for any reason.