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durrantmm edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 13 revisions

This tutorial will analyze ten E. faecium isolates using the MGEfinder command-line tool. In our own analysis, we found that E. faecium isolates had especially high numbers of novel insertions.

Downloading the test dataset

The test dataset includes about 2.4 GB of compressed data. It can be downloaded using the following commands:

tar -zxvf test_workdir.tar.gz
rm test_workdir.tar.gz

This will result in a new "working directory" with the test data inside called test_workdir. The complete MGEfinder workflow includes several different steps that can be run using their individual commands. But all of these steps have been combined into a single command called workflow, which can be run on a properly formatted working directory.

├── 00.assembly/
│   ├── ERR1036032.fna
│   ├── ERR1036049.fna
│   ├── ERR1036051.fna
│   ├── ERR1078777.fna
│   ├── ERR1078789.fna
│   ├── ERR1195862.fna
│   ├── ERR1541798.fna
│   ├── ERR1541854.fna
│   └── ERR1541922.fna
├── 00.bam/
│   ├── ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1036049.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1036049.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1036051.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1036051.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1078777.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1078777.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1078789.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1078789.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1195862.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1195862.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1541798.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1541798.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1541854.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1541854.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1541922.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   ├── ERR1541922.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
│   ├── ERR1541932.efae_GCF_900639545.bam
│   └── ERR1541932.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai
└── 00.genome/
    └── efae_GCF_900639545.fna

Generating the test dataset

We have provided these files to limit computation time to complete this tutorial. Here, we show you how these files were generated and how the working directory is organized so that you can analyze your own raw data in the future.

Skip to the next section if this is not of interest to you.

First, you can download the SRA run files using the sra-tools command:

fastq-dump --gzip --split-files ERR1036032

These FASTQ files were then deduplicated using the SuperDeduper command from the HTStream toolset with the following command:

hts_SuperDeduper -g -1 ERR1036032_1.fastq.gz -2 ERR1036032_2.fastq.gz -p ERR1036032.nodup

And then the FASTQ files were trimmed using the Trime Galore package and the command:

trim_galore --fastqc --paired ERR1036032.nodup_R1.fastq.gz ERR1036032.nodup_R2.fastq.gz

The reference genome was indexed for alignment with BWA MEM and the alignment was performed using the commands:

bwa index efae_GCF_900639545.fna
bwa mem efae_GCF_900639545.fna ERR1036032.nodup_R1_val_1.fq.gz ERR1036032.nodup_R2_val_2.fq.gz > ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.sam

YOU MUST USE BWA FOR YOUR ALIGNMENTS. We have found that bowtie2 is not compatible with this analysis.

There is a built-in command in mgefinder, called mgefinder formatbam which takes this SAM file and prepares it for analysis by mgefinder:

mgefinder formatbam ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.sam ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.bam

This step generates the ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.bam and ERR1036032.efae_GCF_900639545.bam.bai files that we have already provided to you for this tutorial.

We are working to remove this step so that you can use BAM files without this, but for the time being it is best to use this step when possible.

Finally, to generate the assembled contig file ERR1036032.fna, you can use the SPAdes command: -1 ERR1036032.nodup_R1_val_1.fq.gz -2 ERR1036032.nodup_R2_val_2.fq.gz -o ERR1036032

The assembled contigs are available in the ERR1036032/contigs.fasta file.

We repeated these steps for all ten isolates. We then organized these files into a working directory. It is imperative when you make your own working directories, you use this directory structure and file names:

    ├── 00.assembly/
    │   ├── <sample1>.fna
    │   ├── <sample1>.fna
    │   └── <sample1>.fna
    ├── 00.bam/
    │   ├── <sample1>.<genome>.bam
    │   ├── <sample1>.<genome>.bam.bai
    │   ├── <sample2>.<genome>.bam
    │   ├── <sample2>.<genome>.bam.bai
    │   ├── <sample3>.<genome>.bam
    │   └── <sample3>.<genome>.bam.bai
    └── 00.genome/
        └── <genome>.fna

Be sure to keep the file naming consistent with what is shown above, including directory names and suffixes. <genome> refers to the name of the genome to which the sample was aligned. Make sure that the only periods in your file names are the ones shown above. Files in the directory can be symlinks to the actual files.

Analyzing the test dataset using mgefinder workflow

This working directory can be analyzed using a single command:

mgefinder workflow denovo test_workdir/

This will begin running a snakemake workflow that will execute all steps in the MGEfinder pipeline on the contents of the working directory.

We tested this workflow on a Google Cloud Virtual machine with 4 vCPUs and 26 GB memory. By default, mgefinder workflow uses one core, which takes 7 min 37 seconds to analyze these 10 isolates. The number of cores can be increased:

mgefinder workflow denovo --cores 4 test_workdir/

Which takes 3 min 3 seconds on the same machine. Certain steps can be done in parallel, but there are bottlenecks. If you have hundreds of isolates and available memory, we recommend increasing the memory using --memory from the default of --memory 16000 to --memory 50000, where the parameter is the amount of available memory in megabases.

This workflow generates three more directories in the test_workdir working directory:


The 01.mgefinder directory contains intermediate MGEfinder files that may be of interest to individuals with more advanced knowledge of how the tool works. This includes the output of the find, pair, and inferseq commands.

The 02.database directory contains a dynamically-constructed database of elements that were identified when running MGEfinder. These are necessary for the inferseq-database commands. This file may be of value to the user, depending on the use case.

Most of the files of value can be found in the 03.results directory. In the case of this test dataset, the files that were generated are named:

    └── efae_GCF_900639545/
        ├── 01.clusterseq.efae_GCF_900639545.tsv
        ├── 02.genotype.efae_GCF_900639545.tsv
        ├── 03.summarize.efae_GCF_900639545.clusters.tsv
        ├── 03.summarize.efae_GCF_900639545.groups.tsv
        ├── 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.all_seqs.fna
        └── 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.repr_seqs.fna

The file 01.clusterseq.efae_GCF_900639545.tsv a complete list of all inferred sequences for all ten files. This file includes the sample, pair_id (refers to results of the pair output files), method (sequence inference method, such as inferred_assembly_with_full_context), loc (the location of where the sequence was found, either in the reference genome, assembly, or dynamically-constructed database), the inferred_seq_length, the seqid (an identifier for each unique sequence), cluster (an identifier for the sequence cluster), group (an identifier for the cluster group), and the inferred_seq (nucleotide sequence of the element).

The file 02.genotype.efae_GCF_900639545.tsv includes insertion genotypes for all of the isolates. This includes the sample, the position of the insertion within the reference genome, the seqid, cluster, and group that indicates the identity of the inserted sequence. The final column indicates the conf (confidence) level of the insertion. This refers primarily to how the identity of the sequence was inferred. The highest confidence inferred sequence is IAwFC, which indicates that the insertion was found in the expected location in the assembly. The degree of confidence that you should accept depends largely on the use case. If, for example, you are performing a re-sequencing experiment, it may be sufficient to use the IDB column, which includes sequences inferred from the reference and dynamically-constructed database.

The files 03.summarize.efae_GCF_900639545.clusters.tsv and 03.summarize.efae_GCF_900639545.groups.tsv provide summary statistics for each of the sequence clusters and groups, respectively. This can be used to perform further QC on the identified elements, and to stratify elements by their transposability. Some important columns include num_unique_sites_all, which refers to the number of unique sites in the reference genome where sequence cluster was found at least once in at least one isolate. and num_unique_sites_unambig, which refers to the number of unique sites where the cluster is the unambiguously assigned element (often two clusters will be assigned to a single site when the exact element cluster cannot be identified). See the manual for more details on these output files.

The files 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.all_seqs.fna and 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.repr_seqs.fna include FASTA files of all identified elements found in the genotype and summarize files. The *.all_seqs.fna includes all unique sequences identified (even if they differ by a single base pair), and *.repr_seqs.fna includes the representative sequence for each element cluster.

Next steps

This tutorial produced a list of candidate integrative mobile genetic elements for these ten E. faecium isolates, and genotyped insertions with respect to an E. faecium reference genome. The next steps taken will depend largely on the type of analysis that you want to perform. If you want to search these candidate insertions for antibiotic resistance genes, you can upload the 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.all_seqs.fna FASTA file to to ResFinder. If you wish to identify transposases, we recommend the HMMs provided by ISEScan. If you wish to identify prophage elements, you can upload the 04.makefasta.efae_GCF_900639545.repr_seqs.fna file to PHASTER.

Please refer to the manuscript for more ideas on how you can analyze your data.

Database-only mode (when you don't have assemblies)

We added a feature in MGEfinder v1.0.5 that allows you to run an MGEfinder workflow without isolate assemblies. This means that you no longer need to assemble each isolate if you already know what elements you are looking for. You just need a working directory that includes this file:


Meaning that your starting working directory will have this structure:

    ├── 00.database/
    │   └── database.fna
    ├── 00.bam/
    │   ├── <sample1>.<genome>.bam
    │   ├── <sample1>.<genome>.bam.bai
    │   ├── <sample2>.<genome>.bam
    │   ├── <sample2>.<genome>.bam.bai
    │   ├── <sample3>.<genome>.bam
    │   └── <sample3>.<genome>.bam.bai
    └── 00.genome/
        └── <genome>.fna

The 00.database/database.fna file is a FASTA file of the elements that you are searching for. For example, if you just want to look at IS6110 insertions in M. tuberculosis, you can place a copy of that IS element in the 00.database/database.fna file. You can then run the workflow with the command

mgefinder workflow database --cores 4 workdir

Other considerations

We hope we have made the limitations of this approach clear, and we urge you to carefully consider these limitations when analyzing your own data.

Some additional details to keep in mind:

  • MGEfinder is not designed to identify very small indels. By default, it identifies insertions as small as 70 base pairs, and under certain conditions, it can reliably identify insertions as short as 30 base pairs. By default, the upper limit on the insertion size is 200 kbp.
  • It is possible that some identified elements are in fact assembly errors, and we urge you to consider this when making conclusions about specific insertions.
  • This workflow is not configured to handle resequencing experiments by default, please refer to the manual if you are analyzing resequencing data.

Good luck, and if you have any questions please submit an issue here.

NEXT: Detailed User Manual