The nr-forest-client-api application provides the API that allows systems to consume forest client data without having to connect to a database. We are working the process to publish our API
The nr-forest-client-api is a Java application, integrated with the greenfield-template to automate the process for testing, security scanning, code quality checking, image building and deploying. It is hosted in openshift, protected and published through API Services Portal
You will find a copy of the google code style inside our docs folder.
On the settings screen, add the checks as the following image:
To set your profile on IntelliJ, just run the application main class and edit the configuration as the following image.
You will find a copy of the google code style inside our docs folder.
On the window > preferences screen, go to Java > Code Style > Formatter, import the xml file and keep GoogleStyle selected as the following image:
To set your profile on Eclipse, just run the application main class and edit the configuration as the following images.
If you're running eclipse, you will need to manually install lombok in order for it to work.
The easiest way of doing that is by running any mavem command that would trigger the download of the lib, such as
mvn clean compile
Once it's done, navigate to your repository folder (its usually inside your user folder, called .m2/repository)
and look the latest version of lombok (inside org/projectlombok/lombok/) and run the lombok jar,
like java -jar lombok-X.Y.Z.jar
A screen will pop up, listing all the possible IDEs, select yours and install/update it. Once it's done, restart eclipse.