A small Hello World Rust application for the AVR.
The program itself toggles a LED on PORTB periodically.
Designed for the ATmega328p.
- A recent version of the nightly Rust compiler. Anything including or
greater than
rustc 1.63.0-nightly (fee3a459d 2022-06-05)
can be used. - A recent version of Cargo. At least 1.52.0 or greater.
- The rust-src rustup component -
$ rustup component add rust-src
- AVR-GCC on the system for linking
- AVR-Libc on the system for support libraries
Now to build, run:
# Ensure time delays are consistent with a 16MHz microcontroller.
export AVR_CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ=16000000
# Compile the crate to an ELF executable.
cargo build --release
There should now be an ELF file at target/avr-atmega328p/release/blink.elf
. It
can be flashed directly to an AVR microcontroller or ran inside a simulator.
- The AVR-Rust book