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rustie edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Main Activities Doc 1.0


Contains some main screens and activities that the user sees throughout the application lifecycle.


These activities represent the different screens (from the Navigation Drawer) that the user can choose to display on screen. The Open*Activity sets up the layouts and views, and is dynamically populated by a fragment *Fragment, which is similarly named. e.g. OpenDiningHallActivity and OpenCafeActivity are jointly controlled by the FoodFragment. OpenLibraryActivity is controlled by the LibraryFragment.

Before usage of Open*Activity, we must first set the object which it will display using a set* method. Upon activity start and view inflation from XML, we check if data has loaded using the method exitIfNoData.

// from
  mLibraryList.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), OpenLibraryActivity.class);

// from
    public static void setLibrary(Library l) {
        library = l;
        Log.d(TAG, library.toString());

    private void exitIfNoData() {
        if (library == null) {

The splash screen the user sees upon app start. This activity starts and critical services in the background such as initiating the BMRetrofitController instance for all network calls to the back end service.

This is horribly named. This activity is started after 'SplashActivity' sleeps. Its main purpose is to set up the utilities/NavigationGenerator that populates the navigation drawer on the left side of the screen.