" {{{ Win平台下窗口全屏组件 gvimfullscreen.dll
" Alt + Enter 全屏切换
" Shift + t 降低窗口透明度
" Shift + y 加大窗口透明度
" Shift + r 切换Vim是否总在最前面显示
" Vim启动的时候自动使用当前颜色的背景色以去除Vim的白色边框
if has('gui_running') && has('gui_win32') && has('libcall')
let g:MyVimLib = 'gvimfullscreen.dll'
function! ToggleFullScreen()
call libcall(g:MyVimLib, 'ToggleFullScreen', 1)
let g:VimAlpha = 245
function! SetAlpha(alpha)
let g:VimAlpha = g:VimAlpha + a:alpha
if g:VimAlpha < 180
let g:VimAlpha = 180
if g:VimAlpha > 255
let g:VimAlpha = 255
call libcall(g:MyVimLib, 'SetAlpha', g:VimAlpha)
let g:VimTopMost = 0
function! SwitchVimTopMostMode()
if g:VimTopMost == 0
let g:VimTopMost = 1
let g:VimTopMost = 0
call libcall(g:MyVimLib, 'EnableTopMost', g:VimTopMost)
"映射 Alt+Enter 切换全屏vim
map <a-enter> <esc>:call ToggleFullScreen()<cr>
nmap <s-r> <esc>:call SwitchVimTopMostMode()<cr>
nmap <s-t> <esc>:call SetAlpha(10)<cr>
nmap <s-y> <esc>:call SetAlpha(-10)<cr>
" 默认设置透明
autocmd GUIEnter * call libcallnr(g:MyVimLib, 'SetAlpha', g:VimAlpha)
" }}}
注释掉了112行 SetWindowLong(hTextArea, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hTextArea, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
gVimWin32FullScreen Derek McLoughlin
What is this Put gvim into full screen in Microsoft Windows. This is a copy of Yasuhiro Matsumoto's VimTweak's EnableMaximize functionality modified to deal with window borders and making the window overlap the task bar.
Note: this works on dual monitor configurations where the primary monitor is the one on the left hand side. When the gvim window spans both monitors, it is maximised to the monitor which contains most of the area of gvim's window.
Compiling Compile the DLL using any version of Visual C++ for Windows Use the makefile - nmake copy gvimfullscreen.dll to the directory that has gvim.exe
Usage Toggle :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
For example: map :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)