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#Graphing atop metrics in grafana/influxdb

Just simple way to create graphics from atop metrics. Now it works for:

  • CPU information
  • cpu infirmation per core
  • CPL CPU load statistic
  • MEM Memory usage statistics
  • SWP swapping statistics
  • PAG paging statistics
  • LVM/MDD/DSK disk subsystem statistics
  • NET network statistics per interface and upper level

NOT working for process-level statistics:

  • "PRG" (general),
  • "PRC" (cpu),
  • "PRM" (memory),
  • "PRD" (disk, only if the kernel-patch has been installed)
  • "PRN" (network, only if the kernel-patch has been installed).

General workflow

###What we have to do:

  1. Export necessary metrics from atop binary logs
  2. Convert data to the format for export by InfluxDB
  3. Push data to the InfluxDB
  4. have a graphics in graphana

###How we can do that:

####1. build containers.

Assume you have docker installed. Let's checkout repo

# git clone
Cloning into 'atop-graph'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 65, done.
remote: Total 65 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 65
Receiving objects: 100% (65/65), 830.71 KiB | 1.41 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (19/19), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

We are ready to build containers

# cd atop-graph
# ./build
Error response from daemon: No such container: atop-convert_con
Can't delete container atop-convert_con
Error response from daemon: No such image: atop-convert:latest
Can't delete image atop-convert
Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.18 kB
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
 ---> 0f192147631d

[skipped some lines...]

Step 8 : CMD /
 ---> Running in b774434a3f32
 ---> 3378f91923a9
Removing intermediate container b774434a3f32
Successfully built 3378f91923a9
Error response from daemon: No such container: grafana-influxdb_con
Can't delete container grafana-influxdb_con
Untagged: grafana-influxdb:latest
Sending build context to Docker daemon 205.3 kB
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
 ---> 0f192147631d

[skipped some lines...]

Step 29 : CMD /usr/bin/supervisord
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2fa69e2891eb
Successfully built 2fa69e2891eb

please ignore "Errors" -- just attempt to remove nonexistant containers

####2. convert the logs

Copy all your logs to ./src directory, and convert it.

# find ./src  -type f

[Some lines skipped ...]

# ./convert
Processing dsvtxvcdbng01_atop_20160705... Done. Result saved to atop-35bb2da4-39dd-4d3e-ab57-30c54822db2b.txt
Processing dsvtxvcdbng01_atop_20160706... Done. Result saved to atop-8d838e8b-8f88-48ea-b595-574d224dd13b.txt

[Some lines skipped ...]

Processing dsvtxvCkstn02_atop_20160706... Done. Result saved to atop-b159eb06-9f4c-4301-8346-45e71bbad002.txt
Processing dsvtxvCkstn02_atop_20160707... Done. Result saved to atop-b9a7f047-5562-408d-b3f1-4b63b142eeab.txt

####3. starting grafana and pushing data to InfluxDB

# ./start_grafana
Error response from daemon: No such container: grafana-influxdb_con
Error response from daemon: No such container: grafana-influxdb_con
# ./push
Importing /dst/atop-019c67cf-4572-435c-a693-4178ae4c8af3.txt to influxdb..
2016/07/08 01:01:15 Processed 1 commands
2016/07/08 01:01:15 Processed 38913 inserts
2016/07/08 01:01:15 Failed 0 inserts

[Some lines skipped ...]

Importing /dst/atop-f53bf2ae-b095-4947-b3ad-3082cef521c5.txt to influxdb..
2016/07/08 01:18:50 Processed 1 commands
2016/07/08 01:18:50 Processed 37349 inserts
2016/07/08 01:18:50 Failed 0 inserts

####4. Login to grafana, and cgoose proper dashboard and timeframe

In a browser go to http://<docker-ip>:3000/. Login: admin, Password: admin

Grafana image

PS. Work in progress!


graphing atop metrics using grafana/influxdb






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