This is a set of scripts with a plugins API written in bash, you can use it to manage and get informations on OpenWRT Routers.
First of all, Make a bot for you !
With the bot created, you need to replace "[PUT YOUR BOT KEY HERE]" in the telegramopenwrt config file with your bot key.
Second, you need to send a initial message to your bot in Telegram App. After you send the message, in the OpenWRT run this:
curl -s -k -X GET<YOUR BOT ID>/getUpdates | grep -oE "\"id\":[[:digit:]]+" | head -n1 | awk -F : '{print $2}'
Get the number and replace "[PUT ID OF THE CHAT THAT YOU START WITH BOT]" in the telegramopenwrt config.
├── etc
│ ├── config
│ │ └── telegramopenwrt
│ ├── init.d
│ │ ├── hosts_scan
│ │ ├── lanports
│ │ └── telegram_bot
│ └── telegramopenwrt
│ └── macaddr.ignore
├── sbin
│ ├── camkeyboard
│ ├── hosts_scan
│ ├── lanports
│ ├── proxy
│ ├── telebot
│ ├── telegram_bot
│ ├── telegram_sender
│ ├── telekeyboard
│ └── typing
└── usr
└── lib
└── telegramopenwrt
└── plugins
├── actions
│ ├── cam_mv
│ ├── chromego
│ ├── fw_delete
│ ├── fw_disable
│ ├── fw_enable
│ ├── fwr_disable
│ ├── fwr_enable
│ ├── interface_down
│ ├── interface_restart
│ ├── interface_up
│ ├── light_control
│ ├── proc_restart
│ ├── proc_start
│ ├── proc_stop
│ ├── proxy_disable
│ ├── proxy_enable
│ ├── wifi_disable
│ ├── wifi_enable
│ └── wifi_restart
├── cam_movie
├── cam_mv
├── cam_shot
├── cam_vdo
├── chromego_add
├── chromego_del
├── chromego_list
├── ctx
│ ├── cam_kbd
│ ├── chromego
│ ├── fw_list
│ ├── fwr_list
│ ├── interfaces_list
│ ├── light_list
│ ├── proxy
│ ├── reboot
│ ├── service_list
│ └── wifi_list
├── fw_add
├── fw_delete
├── fw_disable
├── fw_enable
├── fw_list
├── fwr_disable
├── fwr_enable
├── fwr_list
├── fw_unblock
├── get_ip
├── get_mac
├── get_ping
├── get_uptime
├── help
│ ├── cam_movie
│ ├── cam_mv
│ ├── cam_shot
│ ├── cam_vdo
│ ├── chromego_add
│ ├── chromego_del
│ ├── chromego_list
│ ├── fw_add
│ ├── fw_delete
│ ├── fw_disable
│ ├── fw_enable
│ ├── fw_list
│ ├── fwr_disable
│ ├── fwr_enable
│ ├── fwr_list
│ ├── fw_unblock
│ ├── get_ip
│ ├── get_mac
│ ├── get_ping
│ ├── get_uptime
│ ├── hst_list
│ ├── ignoredmac_add
│ ├── ignoredmac_list
│ ├── interface_down
│ ├── interface_restart
│ ├── interfaces_list
│ ├── interface_up
│ ├── lights
│ ├── msg_tv
│ ├── netstat
│ ├── opkg_install
│ ├── opkg_update
│ ├── ping_udp
│ ├── proc_list
│ ├── proc_restart
│ ├── proc_start
│ ├── proc_stop
│ ├── proxy_disable
│ ├── proxy_enable
│ ├── proxy_list
│ ├── reboot
│ ├── start
│ ├── swports_list
│ ├── wifi_disable
│ ├── wifi_enable
│ ├── wifi_list
│ ├── wifi_restart
│ └── wll_list
├── hst_list
├── ignoredmac_add
├── ignoredmac_list
├── interface_down
├── interface_restart
├── interfaces_list
├── interface_up
├── lights
├── msg_tv
├── netstat
├── opkg_install
├── opkg_update
├── ping_udp
├── proc_list
├── proc_restart
├── proc_start
├── proc_stop
├── proxy_disable
├── proxy_enable
├── proxy_list
├── reboot
├── start
├── swports_list
├── wifi_disable
├── wifi_enable
├── wifi_list
├── wifi_restart
└── wll_list
This file reads the router logs with the logread -f command, and sends messages via bot telegram if a router port is turned off / on or the router delivers an IP address via DHCP.
Contains the necessary files for the scripts to be started at the router boot, just move them to the /etc/init.d/ of the router and run:
/etc/init.d/lanports enable
/etc/init.d/telegram_bot enable
And then:
/etc/init.d/lanports start
/etc/init.d/telegram_bot start
This is the main directory, it contains all the commands that the telegram bot can execute.
There are some pre-built commands, which are:
- cam_movie: Record 25 seconds of a camIP and send it.
- cam_mv: Move the camera arround.
- cam_shot: Get a Pic from the camera.
- cam_vdo: Get a 25 seconds record from a camIP.
- chromego_add: Include to a user in chromego, a word to be used in permissions (block url/youtube channel/etc).
- chromego_del: Remove a word from a user in chromego to be used in permissions (block url/youtube channel/etc).
- chromego_list: List all permissions in chromego (block url/youtube channel/etc).
- fw_add: Block a hostname using a deny rule in firewall, if append time to command will block from 23:00 to 8:00
- fw_delete: Remove a hostname from a deny firewall rule, if hostname is empty, will remove all rules created by this bot.
- fw_disable: Disable a firewall rule.
- fw_enable: Enable a firewall rule.
- fw_list: List all fw rules.
- fwr_disable: Disable a redirect firewall rule.
- fwr_enable: Enable a redirect firewall rule.
- fwr_list: List all redirect fw rules.
- fw_unblock: Remove a hostname from a deny firewall rule, if hostname is empty, will remove all rules created by this bot.
- get_ip: Get WAN IPAddress.
- get_mac: Get the Organization that onwer the MacAddr.
- get_ping: Ping a address or host, return Up or Down.
- get_uptime: Return the uptime from this Device.
- hst_list: Get hosts in the dhcp Leases. If a hostname is present, search only for this hostname.
- ignoredmac_add: Add a new macaddress to the allowlist and avoid being notified about it.
- ignoredmac_list: Shows the list of ignored mac addresses that will not be notified by the bot.
- interface_down: Shutdown a interface by name.
- interface_restart: Restart a interface by name.
- interfaces_list: Get interfaces configuration.
- interface_up: Start up a interface by name.
- lights: Turn On or Off house Lights.
- msg_tv: Send Message to Samsung TV
- netstat: Prints netstat table in ESTABLISHED, CLOSED and TIME_WAIT State.
- opkg_install: Install a package from opkg.
- opkg_update: Update list of packages avaliable.
- ping_udp: Create a UDP packet to puncture a hole through a NAT firewall of your ISP
- proc_list: List all process in execution
- proc_restart: Restart a process in init.d
- proc_start: Start a process in init.d
- proc_stop: Stop a process in init.d
- proxy_disable: Disable HTTP and HTTPS or HTTP or HTTPS proxy.
- proxy_enable: Enable HTTP and HTTPS or HTTP or HTTPS proxy.
- proxy_list: List proxy rules that is enabled.
- reboot: Reboot the router.
- start: This menu help!
- swports_list: Switch ports list with states.
- wifi_disable: Disable a wireless device radio.
- wifi_enable: Enable a wireless device radio.
- wifi_list: List all wireless devices.
- wifi_restart: Restart a wireless device radio.
- wll_list: Get a wifi clients list that is connected to this devices.
This is the directory containing the help files, with the same name as the command, to be displayed by the start command.
Basically it to create a bash script, with openwrt commands (from uci, files, etc).
If a plugin has "user interaction" (like choose between itens), the script that will provide thats choices, wil be in the
ctx directory (ctx is from context
, the script gives context to the user), inside plugins. Once the user choose, the script to be
called, will stay on actions directory, inside plugins. (every context has one or more action
This file sends the telegram bot messages generated by lanports
The telegram_bot script is a loop that receives the updates every second and checks to see if there is a command to execute. If there is a command, the script checks to see if there is a file with the same name as the command inside the plugins directory and runs it, if it exists. The output of the executed script is sent as a response message from the command. Inside the plugins directory, there is the special command "start", which returns a message with the commands and a brief help on each command. For this command to work properly, you need to create a file inside the plugins / help directory, with the name equal to the command.
See LICENSE file.
See file.