_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
_2 = crop(_1, 200, 420, 100, 230)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title='Croping')
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
_2 = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='gray', title='GrayScaling')
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = fixed_threshold(gray, 40)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Fixed Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = fixed_threshold(gray, 120, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Fixed Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = adaptive_threshold(gray, 200)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Adaptive Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = adaptive_threshold(gray, 180, 'gaussian', 35, 15, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Adaptive Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = otsu_threshold(gray, 200)['image']
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Otsu Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
gray = grayscale(_1, is_rgb=True)
_2 = otsu_threshold(gray, 200)['image']
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_2='Greys', title="Otsu Threshold")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
_2 = thin(_1, (10, 10))
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title="Thin (Erode) Effect")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
_2 = stress(_1, (10, 10))
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title="Stress (Dilate) Effect")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
_2 = smooth(_1, kernel=(6, 6), method="blur")
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title="Blur Effect")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/2.jpg'))
_2 = smooth(_1, kernel=(51, 51), method="gaussian")
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title="Gaussian Blur Effect")
gray = grayscale(load('images/1.jpg'))
_1 = fixed_threshold(gray, 40)
_2 = remove_noise(_1)
_2 = fill(_1, kernel=(100, 100))
plot_two_images(_1, _2, cmap_1='Greys', cmap_2='Greys', title="MorphologyEx Effect")
_1 = convert_to_rgb(load('images/1.jpg'))
_2 = frame(_1, 5, 5, 2, 2, color=[250, 0, 0])
plot_two_images(_1, _2, title="Image Framing")
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